2 Supplements You Should Never Take

Health Alert 306

When it comes to supplements, not all live up to the hype used to sell them. Some products have hidden risks. Others simply don’t work.

Today, I’ll tell you about two supplements you should avoid. Instead of risking your health, I’ll show you safe and reliable ways of getting the same results.

Exposing the Myths about Pain Relief and Weight Loss

It has become popular to blame cortisol for our obesity epidemic. It’s claimed that when your stress levels go up, cortisol rises and makes you fat.

Cortisol is your body’s stress hormone. When you’re healthy and calm, levels are low. If you get angry or stressed, cortisol floods your bloodstream. This we know for sure.

But cortisol by itself does not make you fat. An excess of cortisol can affect where and how your body stores fat, but that’s it. This powerful hormone helps your body to focus during a crisis. If anything, the presence of cortisol will suppress your appetite.

If you spend your money on these products hoping to slim down, you’ll only be disappointed.

Almost every day, people ask me about joint pain. Many of them have either tried chondroitin or ask me if it will work for them. If your pain is mild, it works. But chondroitin is not safe. It swells your prostate and may even lead to cancer.(1) If you’re taking it, stop.

Discover the Safe Alternatives

If you’re suffering from joint pain or inflammation, MSM is your best bet. It’s my number one recommendation for all my arthritis patients. In many cases, it can match the strength of prescription drugs without the side effects.

MSM is an organic source of the mineral sulfur. The sulfur in MSM heals your injured, overused or damaged joint tissues. It’s also relieves joint pain.(2) For five other options to reduce inflammation, see Health Alert 301.

To really lose weight, forget about anything with the word “corti-” in it. The right simple changes in your diet and a progressive program of interval exercise will usually do the trick. For more information on my PACE® program, see Health Alert 58. For a healthy eating summary, see Health Alert 59.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

(1) Ricciardelli C, Mayne K, Sykes PJ, et al. Elevated stromal chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan predicts progression in early-stage prostate cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. 1997 Jun; 3(6):983-992.

(2) Lawrence SW, Jacob RM, and Zucker M. The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain. 1999. Berkeley Publishing Group.