Big Cholesterol Lie Won’t Die

I’ve been warning my patients and readers like you about Big Pharma’s cholesterol scam for more than two decades. But my message continues to get lost in the unrelenting Big …

Fast Heartburn Relief Without Deadly Drugs

Since gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was first identified in the early 1930s, the number of people experiencing heartburn has increased substantially. In fact, one study shows that in just 10 …

5 Minutes To Better Heart Health

Americans are living through a blood pressure crisis. Maybe you, or someone you love, is one of them… In the United States, 65% of adults over the age of 50 …

Restore Your Ageless Heart

The medical establishment likes to toot its own horn when it says cardiac events are becoming less common. But it’s not true. While it is true that fewer Americans — …

The AHA Was Wrong About Cholesterol

A few years ago, the AHA and the American College of Cardiology rewrote their cholesterol guidelines. The results were hardly surprising. They recommended that almost every older American take a …

Boost Blood Flow with PACE

In a recent letter, I told you that if you can move, you can exercise using my PACE principle. But maybe you still have a few doubts… Today, I want …

Strengthen Muscle and Reduce Pain

Increasing muscle mass in your biggest muscle group, your quadriceps, can help you live up to almost 50% longer. That’s the finding of a recent study. It found that older …

Red Wine Nutrient Reverses Lung Age

Not long after I wrote the book The Doctor’s Heart Cure, my office manager told me I had a call from Dr. William Castelli. He was one of the pioneering lead directors …

Ignore AHA’s Fake Seal of Approval

I’m sure you’ve seen the red heart with a white check mark on the packaging of low-fat foods like cereal, bread, and crackers. Using the term “heart-healthy” in the same …

Good Study, Bad Advice…

For decades, you were told that cholesterol is Public Enemy #1 when it comes to heart health. Today you see messages promising to lower cholesterol plastered on cereal boxes and …