Can Love Reverse Memory Loss?

The number of people living with dementia is increasing around the world – and despite what you hear from the media, it’s not because the population is aging. By 2030, 78 …

Pollution Causes Alzheimer’s!?

I’ve been warning you about toxins in our environment for years. And how they trigger inflammation… lead to accelerated aging of the lungs, heart, and brain… make you gain weight… …

Protect Your Memories In 3 Simple Steps

In last week’s letters, I told you that – despite what conventional doctors say – “lost” memories aren’t necessarily gone for good. And I shared a breakthrough therapy that’s helping patients …

Treat Your Thyroid To Heal Your Brain

Let me run some symptoms past you… Are you experiencing brain fog, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, mood swings, memory loss, fatigue, depression, lack of motivation, or reduced libido? Conventional doctors will …

Bring Back “Lost” Memories

While I see signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s every day at my clinic, I’m also fortunate enough to see — and prescribe — the latest cutting-edge therapies that prevent and …

Reboot Your Aging Brain

What can you do to protect and nurture your most vital organ — your brain? This is a question I’m asked a lot by my patients. Many of them have …

A Simple Scan Save Your Brain

Conventional medicine has failed you when it comes to dementia. They have completely missed the mark in research, prevention, and cure. And their drugs have a near 100% failure rate. …

3 Nutrients to Keep Your Brain Ageless

Conventional medicine has long insisted that cognition naturally decreases as you get older. But brand-new research confirms what I’ve been telling my patients for decades… Your brain can actually improve …