Are You Ready To “De-Age” Your Brain?


e the doom and gloom dogma being doled out by conventional medicine, most types of dementia – even Alzheimer’s – can be prevented.

In many cases, it can even be reversed if it’s caught early enough.

That’s great news.

But so often, by the time these debilitating conditions are identified, brain decline has already become extremely advanced.

Today, researchers have found a better and faster way to identify dementia risk.

A groundbreaking study published in the journal Science has revealed that an easy telomere blood test can provide important clues about your risk and the progress of brain deterioration.1

As a regular reader, you already know telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of your chromosomes.

They’re like the plastic tips on the ends of your shoelaces that keep your DNA from unraveling. The longer your telomeres are, the younger your cells behave. The shorter they get, the more vulnerable you are to “old age” and the so-called “diseases of aging.”

Scientists have known for years that shorter telomeres on immune system cells called leukocytes in brain tissue are closely associated with Alzheimer’s and almost every other form of dementia.2

The problem is that accessing these brain-tissue leukocytes requires a brain biopsy, a risky surgical procedure that involves removing a small piece of brain tissue.

But now researchers from the University of Chicago have discovered that telomere length in blood cells closely mirrors telomere length in brain-tissue leukocytes.

This is a huge breakthrough because it means that soon doctors will be able to offer you a simple blood sample that can give you an early warning of dementia. Giving you time to do something about it.

Unfortunately, this test isn’t yet available at your doctor’s office.

But don’t give up hope…

Reverse your brain’s biological age

At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, we are able to provide patients with the only test available that tells you how many critically short telomeres you have.

You see, not every telomere in a cell has the same length. Some may be really long and healthy. But others may be shrinking at a faster rate.

And you need to know how many are actually in trouble.

It’s a much more detailed measurement. And it’s been proven accurate in clinical studies.3

But we go one step further…

We use a total-body, biological age breakdown that I call BioAge Analysis.

With this protocol, you learn more than the length of your telomeres. We measure 14 different biomarkers of aging to determine your real biological age.

Once we know these baseline measurements, we’ll work together to reverse your biological age – including your brain age.

I’ll develop a customized treatment plan based on your results. This will do more than stop your telomeres from shrinking. It will actually lengthen them.

We then use these measurements to track the effectiveness of our treatment.

The most powerful thing we do is turn on an enzyme called telomerase. And that’s where the real anti-aging magic begins.

When you turn on telomerase, your telomeres start to regenerate and grow longer. And that lengthening is what slows aging – reversing your biological age.


To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Demanelis K, et al. “Determinants of telomere length across human tissues.” Science, 2020; 369 (6509): eaaz6876.
2. Forero DA, et al. “Meta-analysis of telomere length in Alzheimer’s Disease.” J Gerontol. 2016;71(8): 1069-73.
3. Canela A, et al. “High-throughput telomere length quantification by FISH and its application to human population studies.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007.