Common Myths About Exercise

The exercise industry has been lying to you for years. They still promote the idea that cardio workouts lead to fat loss. But they’ve got it all wrong. Sure, cardio …

The Best Way To Build Muscle

My patients tell me their number one fear of aging is losing their independence. Having to move into a nursing home or becoming a burden to their children… So I …

Strengthen Muscle and Reduce Pain

Increasing muscle mass in your biggest muscle group, your quadriceps, can help you live up to almost 50% longer. That’s the finding of a recent study. It found that older …

Fat Can Make You Thin?

Most mainstream doctors are horrified when they hear I teach my patients about the benefits of more fat. The patients who come to the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine tell me as …

How to Burn Fat Fast

At this time of year, a lot of my patients ask me how they can lose weight. Especially in sunny locales with beautiful beaches like we have here in South …

Plague of the “white death”…

Back in the 1970s, when Arnold Schwarzenegger was at the peak of his bodybuilding career, he used the term “white death” to refer to the two ingredients he eliminated from …