Is Hunger Ruining Your Diet?

Health Alert 255 Dear Subscriber: Have you successfully changed your diet only to continue to be plagued with cravings for things you know aren’t good for you? New evidence suggests …

Who Made You Fat?

Health Alert 13 Today I want you to decide to do one simple thing to improve your health. If you are like most Americans, it may be the most important …

Sometimes … Size Does Matter

Health Alert 16 Tens years ago, when ordering fast food, the clerk used to ask “Would you like fries with that?” But now the question has changed to “Would you …

What Dr. Atkins Had Right (And Wrong)

Health Alert 85 Can you lose weight on a diet of bacon, cheesecake and butter? You can. Paradoxically, some people lose weight dramatically on an Atkins-like high-fat diet. But, there …

Fad Diet Myths

Health Alert 94 If you watch television, read magazines, or surf the internet, you have seen dozens of hyped-up diets. Many of you have asked me if various popular diets …

Low Fat Lunacy

Health Alert 101 Could you use a little help staying trim and lean? My first rule if you are trying to lose body fat is – Ignore the low-fat advice. …

My Government Calls Me Fat

Health Alert 133 According to our government, I’m fat. My Body Mass Index (BMI) is 27.5. That’s smack dab in the middle of the overweight range. The government defines overweight …

Quality vs. Quantity

Health Alert 150 Popular advice tells you to eat less and exercise more. Today I’d like you to consider an alternative. The notion that for food and exercise quality, not …

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Fat

Health Alert 152 You know conventional advice tells you to reduce the fat in your diet. A minority of doctors including myself have been telling the contrary. Following that advice …