Break Free From Addictive Junk Food

I’m sure you know how hard it can be to resist certain insulin-spiking foods that score high on the glycemic index – like French fries, potato chips, pasta, and bagels. …

Himalayan Mushroom Increases Sexual Stamina

I’ve written to you before about the incredible life-changing benefits of Cordyceps sinensis. This rare Tibetan fungus has been proven in numerous studies to: Lower blood sugar and improve insulin resistance1 …

Antibiotics Destroy Memories?

Even in my earliest days of practicing medicine, I was never a big fan of prescribing antibiotics – except, of course, in cases of extreme or life-threatening infections. Because even …

Too Little Sleep Destroys DNA?

I talk to my patients about the danger of not sleeping all the time. Unfortunately, it’s a common problem that affects 75 million Americans. People who don’t sleep, or sleep …

Improve Your Memory A Whopping 27%

Traditional doctors think the best way to treat memory loss is with Big Pharma’s latest “breakthrough” drug. And when it’s proven not to work – not to mention dangerous – …

Protect Your Heart with Natural Vitamin A

Vitamin A is best known for helping you see better, especially at night. But this often-overlooked nutrient has dozens of other health benefits. Your muscles, immune system, lungs, and kidneys …