How Steak Can Heal a “Broken Heart”

Every year, you hear dire warnings about elevated heart attack risks around the holidays. Usually, these are accompanied by bad advice that suggests eating beef and too much-saturated fat is …

Avoid Statin’s Sneaky Side Effects

I’ve been warning for years that statins sharply increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Now the connection is undeniable thanks to a new study. Researchers at Vanderbilt University analyzed …

How can you energize your heart?

Like most people in the developed world, chances are a doctor has either cajoled, persuaded, scared, or even bullied you into taking cholesterol-lowering statins. I’ve been warning you about these …

The Easy Way to Get Better Heart Health

I’ve written to you before about how important sleep is for your brain. When you don’t get enough high-quality sleep, your brain function declines dramatically and you age faster. Now, …

EASY way to prevent stroke

If you’re a regular reader, you’ve heard me talk about homocysteine. It’s a critical biomarker that reveals your risk for heart attack and stroke. Yet, most doctors NEVER test for …

1 Hour to Support Heart Health

A pioneering doctor I used to know was hounded out of the country for practicing an alternative treatment called “claw therapy.” This therapy uses a compound called ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or …

Heart Failure is Reversible

Imagine your heart can only pump 15% of the blood it usually does with each beat. So it tries harder and harder… Then blood builds up behind your heart, flooding …

Everybody’s Got a Hungry Heart

Yesterday, we talked about how Big Pharma’s trillion-dollar cholesterol-lowering statin drugs block your body from being able to produce its own CoQ10 in levels necessary for vigor and heart health. …

Simple Fix for “Broken” Heart

There’s an expression that says the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It turns out this old-fashioned expression is right. But not in the way you think! …

Serious as a Heart Attack

Few words in the English language elicit more fear and sheer terror than “heart attack.” We’ve been conditioned to fear these words in part because of the sheer prevalence of …

Caffeine Protects Your Heart

You might be surprised to learn that the caffeine in your morning cup of coffee is especially good for your heart. As a matter of fact, new research shows it …

Heart Cure Saved His Life

Jim Parker had five heart bypasses and nine stents placed in his arteries. He was popping nitroglycerine pills like M&Ms. But it still didn’t stop him from having a major …

New Connection of Heart to Brain

Your heart and your brain have more in common than you might think… We’ve known for a long time that Alzheimer’s is characterized by the buildup of amyloid proteins in …