New Connection of Heart to Brain

Your heart and your brain have more in common than you might think…

We’ve known for a long time that Alzheimer’s is characterized by the buildup of amyloid proteins in the brain, causing memory loss and confusion.

But brand-new research shows that diseased hearts have the exact same protein clumps.1

Researchers from Johns Hopkins studied heart tissue biopsies from people with and without heart failure. They used the same fluorescent antibody used to identify amyloid clumps in Alzheimer’s patients. And they found twice as many in the heart failure patients than those without heart disease.

Additional research also found the same amyloid clumps in the pancreases of diabetics, the eyes of macular degeneration patients and in the brains of Parkinson’s patients.

This research has caught the attention of modern medicine and Big Pharma because they’re hoping it will lead to the development of new drugs.

But of course, they’re missing the REAL significance of this discovery… one I’ve been telling you about for some time.

You see, this finding is further proof of the connection between chronic diseases and their common root — our modern diet and the insulin overload it creates.

Insulin is the real culprit behind amyloid clumps and is the most misunderstood hormone in the human body. Most doctors only know that it regulates blood sugar levels and diabetics must work to keep their levels low.

But there’s much more to it than that. Insulin is your “starvation hormone.” Too much insulin makes your body behave as though it were starving, bulking up its fat storage by converting glucose into triglycerides and body fat.

When your body produces excess insulin for too long, the rapid conversion of glucose into triglycerides triggers damaging oxidative stress and inflammation in your tissues and organs2 and elevates your risk of heart disease.

Another study published in the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology, directly links high insulin production and insulin resistance to increased risk of heart disease and heart attack.3 The good news is you can reduce insulin production naturally and drastically lower your risk of heart disease — and even reverse the condition — without any of Big Pharma’s dangerous drugs.

In as little as a few months, patients who come to my clinic see an incredible improvement in heart health. First, I put them on my Heart Health Protocol including elimination of “carbage”.

You see, your body wasn’t designed to handle the starchy, processed “carbage” that passes as food today. When you eat carbs, your pancreas reacts by massively overproducing insulin.

The first step to repairing your heart is to eat naturally and avoid processed foods. I always recommend eating whole foods, pastured beef, lamb, chicken and other properly raised, organic foods.

Reduce Insulin Overload to Protect Your Heart

The next step is to reduce insulin to help maintain a strong heart. Here’s what I tell my patients:

  1. Balance blood sugar with chromium. Without enough chromium in the body, insulin just doesn’t work properly. Chromium also helps your body process carbohydrates efficiently.

    But today, nearly 90% of American adults are chromium-deficient. The key mineral has been shown to regulate insulin action and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.4

    I recommend supplementing with chromium picolinate, the most effective type of chromium backed by more than 50 human clinical studies. Take 400 mcg a day. Be sure to take your chromium with niacin.

  2. Take vitamin K2 for two times the benefits. You can keep insulin production under control and protect your heart with vitamin K2. Researchers found people with the highest levels of vitamin K2 had better insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar than people with the lowest levels of vitamin K2.5

    But studies also show that vitamin K2 decreases inflammation in your cardiovascular system. One study of 4,800 people showed that high levels of vitamin K2 lowered the risk of coronary artery disease by 57%. It also found that populations that get more vitamin K2 in their diets reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 50% over those who had lower amounts.6

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Rainer PP, et al. “Desmin phosphorylation triggers preamyloid oligomers formation and myocyte dysfunction in acquired heart failure.” Circ Res. 2018;122(10):e75-e83.
2. Facchini FS, et al. “Hyperinsulinemia: the missing link among oxidative stress and age-related diseases?” Free Radic Biol Med. 2000;29(12):1302-1306.
3. Ormazabal V, et al. “Association between insulin resistance and the development of cardiovascular disease.” Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2018;17(1):122.
4. [No authors listed]. “A scientific review: The role of chromium in insulin resistance.” Diabetes Educ. 2004;Suppl:2-14.
5. Yoshida M, et al, “Phylloquinone intake, insulin sensitivity, and glycemic status in men and women.” Am J Clinical Nutr. 2008;88(1):210-215.
6. Geleijnse JM, et al. “Dietary intake of menaquinone is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease: The Rotterdam Study.” J Nutr. 2004;134(11):3100-3105.