On a recent research trip through the rainforest in Bali, my friend Westi showed me a tree called Cananga odorata (also known as ylang-ylang) that’s highly valued for the pleasing scent from its flowers, which are widely used in perfumes.
Ylang-ylang is a sweet-scented oil made from the flowers of the herb Cananga odorata genuina.
But traditional Balinese healers like my friend Westi know it has far more to offer.
Ylang-ylang has been used for centuries to suppress appetite and control food cravings, along with helping to reduce anxiety, depression and stress.
Ylang-ylang does this by stimulating your brain’s “satiety center.”
The signals of satisfaction and well-being that it triggers can help eliminate the pesky hunger pangs and cravings that lead to uncontrolled snacking.
Ylang-ylang also helps you lose weight by reducing the amount of food you eat during meals. When you’re feeling satisfied, you end up eating less. It’s that simple.
I’ve tried ylang-ylang and was impressed with its ability to curb my appetite. It’s one of the new recommendations I give my patients.
But I’ve discovered other natural ways to calm your appetite, too. Some of them, like ylang-ylang, come from my travels to Bali, India, and Southeast Asia. Others you probably have in your cupboard or refrigerator right now.
Either way, quieting your appetite helps restore sensitivity to your fat-burning hormones and helps you drop those excess pounds.
Let me explain.
Famous “Famine Food” Tells Your Brain Your Stomach is Full… Even When it’s NOT!
There’s a plant from Western India famous for over 4,000 years known to suppress your appetite and take your mind off hunger.
For centuries, hunters carried this food with them to conserve weight on their long trips and to quell their appetite during the hunt. According to the old stories, hunters could
last for a week on this plant alone.They call it a “famine food,” because when food is scarce, you can kill off your appetite and get by when there’s not much to live on…
This unique food, called “Caralluma fimbriata” has real science to back up the legends and stories.
In the medical journal Appetite, researchers reported that “waist circumference and hunger levels over the observation period showed a significant decline in the experimental group when compared to the placebo group.”i
Translation: The people in the study lost inches around their waist AND they lost their appetite.
Curb Your Appetite and Shrink Your Waistline
Because it’s so effective, I added ylang-ylang to my newly reformulated Ultra Bali Slim. You can also add ylang-ylang as an essential oil. It’s inexpensive and readily available online and at natural food stores.
Mix 2 to 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil with an ounce of carrier oil (like olive oil) and massage into your skin twice a day. If you prefer to use it in a bath, mix 10 drops in with your water.
You’ll love the smell of it. And you’ll be surprised at how well it can help you resist the temptation of those in-between-meal snacks.
Caralluma fimbriata is also in Ultra Bali Slim and you can find it online, too. But if you’re taking it on its own, you’ll need a bigger dose. About 500 mg to 1,000 mg a day about 30 minutes before a meal.
Ylang-ylang and Caralluma fimbriata are my favorites, as I’ve seen them produce great results in my own patients and readers. But there are other ways to help reduce your hunger pangs.
Here are a few hunger-busting whole foods you can use today:

Almonds and Walnuts: Nuts in general are an easy way to eat less during the day. Walnuts in particular contain omega-3 fatty acids and help control hunger. They take about 30 minutes to kick in, and remember to eat them in moderation. (It’s easy to keep going, and eat them compulsively.)

Flaxseed: These seeds are a hit for knocking back your appetite. They contain good fats, protein, and soluble fiber; all of which help roll back those hunger pangs between meals. Sprinkle them on your salad or cottage cheese, or eat them raw.

Apples: If you’re looking for a quick way to feel full, or even a meal replacement, apples are a great option. One large apple has about 5 grams of soluble fiber, which gives you the feeling of being full. And apples have a lower glycemic index, so they won’t spike your blood sugar.

Coffee: Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant. In moderate doses, it stimulates your central nervous system and will quiet your appetite when you’re on the go.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
iKuriyan R, et al. Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite. Appetite. 2007 May;48(3):338-44.