We already know the USDA isn’t looking out for your health. Even worse, the USDA and Big Agra are plotting to boost food company profits.
You’ll never believe what they’ve done now…
Don’t let their new label fool you. The USDA’s new deceitfully happy-looking GMO label is just another ploy to sell you their toxic food.
The USDA just released a smiley-face sun logo to go on GMOs — what I call frankenfoods. Food companies don’t even have to use the term “GMO”! Now they can call these foods “bioengineered.”
They’re hoping you won’t notice these happy-looking logos are really a GMO label.
It’s almost like the USDA is part of Big Agra’s public relations campaign for GMOs. They want to make you think GMOs are healthy, natural and fun. But if you ask me, the GMO logo should look more like a skull and crossbones…
This would be a more realistic label for the USDA’s GMO frakenfoods.
You see, food companies hire armies of lobbyists. That means more money for political campaigns than any other industry — more than oil, energy, cars and health care.
No wonder the USDA’s in their pocket. The government is happy to promote GMOs as long as the food industry money keeps rolling in.
GMO foods have never been proven safe. In fact, they’re toxic.
Pesticide companies developed GMOs by altering DNA in plants so they can handle massive levels of their toxins. Now farms are pretty much forced to drench plants with more and more of these deadly chemicals.
GMO corn can have 18 times the EPA’s safe limit for glyphosate, the active herbicide in Monsanto’s Roundup.1
I’ve seen studies that show up to 70% of animals fed GMO corn with Roundup died much earlier than other animals. They also developed 2 to 3 times more large tumors.2
And the World Health Organization says glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.”
And that’s not all…
Your body doesn’t recognize GMOs as food.
It thinks they’re foreign invaders — and they are. The body launches an inflammatory response that causes hives, rashes, swelling, headaches, and digestive problems.
And human studies show GMO apples cause allergies.3 Animal research proves GMO soy and corn cause stomach inflammation and fertility problems.4 It could also cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog and nausea.
We didn’t evolve to eat GMOs — we evolved to eat natural unprocessed foods. But today’s supermarkets are a minefield.
More than 80% of our food supply contains GMOs. Most corn, soy, sugar beets and Canola crops grown in the U.S. are GMO.
The industry-controlled government has corrupted our food. And as long as it keeps lining their pockets, that won’t change anytime soon. That’s why I help my patients stay away from these modern food threats and eat the way nature intended.
Avoid GMOs with These 4 Simple Tips
- Choose organic foods when possible. By law, a food labeled “USDA Organic” cannot contain GMOs.
- Check the Price Look-Up (PLU) stickers for fresh fruits and vegetables. Conventional produce has a 4-digit code. Organic non-GMO produce has a 5-digit code starting with the number 9.
- Avoid processed foods. If you must buy processed or packaged foods choose products labeled 100% organic. Or look for the Non-GMO Project seal. It means an independent third party has verified that the product has no more than 0.9% GMO ingredients.
- Get to know your local farmer. It’s important to buy from producers committed to natural and non-GMO farming methods. Eating locally is a great way to get the freshest organic, non-GMO foods. To find a local farmer’s market near you, try this website: www.localharvest.org.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS
1. Mom’s Across America. Stunning Corn Comparison: GMO versus NON GMO. March 15, 2013. Available at: http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/stunning_corn_comparison_gmo_versus_non_gmo
2. Séralini GE, et al. “Republished study: Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize.” Environ Sci Europe. 2014;26(1):14.
3. Sharma P, et al. “Allergenicity assessment of osmotin, a pathogenesis-related protein, used for transgenic crops.” J Agric Food Chem. 2011;59(18):9990-9995.
4. Carman J, et al. “A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet.” J Organic Syst. 2013;8(1):38-54.