Your Genes Are Not The Boss

Most doctors will tell you your genes are your destiny. Now, new research is telling us the exact opposite – you can use your genes to change your destiny.

Sure, genetics determine the color of your eyes, skin, and hair. But there’s a lot they don’t determine – and that includes how your body ages.

Groundbreaking research reveals you can use your genes to make your body biologically younger…

And you can even pass those changes on to future generations.1

This is a revolutionary idea that flies in the face of conventional wisdom.

You see, according to Darwinism, your body’s fate is decided by evolution and the genes you inherited. But we now know there’s much more at play.

It’s called your “epigenome.” It sits on top of your DNA, directing which genes are expressed – without ever altering the DNA sequences themselves.

This is the part of your genetic material that’s not inherited. In fact, your DNA represents only about 15% of the total genetic material you inherit from your parents.

The remaining 85% – your epigenome – is where the real action takes place.

This means that the power of the choices you make plays a major role in deciding which genes in your genetic code are “switched on.” This could be the difference between “inheriting” heart disease, Alzheimer’s, or diabetes as opposed to not.

But more than this, you can also make choices that allow your epigenome to lower your biological age.2

A recent joint study by scientists from several research institutes in the U.S. and Canada did just that. The study, involving 43 adult males, used a variety of dietary and lifestyle changes to test whether they could influence their subjects’ epigenomic clock.

After just 8 weeks, the researchers were shocked to discover they had reduced the biological age of the subjects by more than 3 years


Easily Reverse 3 Years Of Aging

I’ve been helping my patients achieve biological age reversal for years. All it takes to get your epigenome back on track are a few key lifestyle and dietary changes. Here’s what I recommend:

    • Improve your diet: Avoid processed food as much as possible. Instead, focus all your meals around healthy fats and high-quality protein. Fruits and vegetables – not grains or other starches – should make up the bulk of your carbohydrates. Grass-fed red meat with organic fruit and vegetables is one of the most nutritious and balanced meals you can eat.
    • Add pre- and probiotics: The researchers who reversed their subjects’ epigenetic clock included both prebiotics and probiotics in their daily routine. Both are essential for the health of your gut microbiome – a key element in almost every body function, including digestion, the immune system, and even cellular signaling. For probiotics, add kefir, soft cheeses, and fermented foods like sauerkraut to your diet. I also recommend a probiotic supplement, but always check for gut survivability. Products should use some form of “acid proof” technology that protects the organisms from your stomach acid. Also, look for CFU – or “colony forming units” – of at least 30 billion CFU per capsule. My favorite prebiotic comes from the “monkey bread tree.”
    • Less Stress, Better Sleep: Excess cortisol, your body’s main stress hormone, can be extremely damaging to your body and brain, and it exerts a powerful influence on sleep. That’s because too much cortisol interacts with your circadian rhythms and sleep cycles. There are a number of effective ways you can de-stress and improve your sleep habits – including my PACE program, yoga, and meditation.

Here’s an effective meditation technique used by U.S. Marines and Special Forces.

  • Sit in a comfortable position, and close your eyes.
  • Let your awareness settle on the movement of your breath.
  • Follow the in-breath and out-breath, perhaps by saying “breathing in, breathing out” quietly to yourself.
  • Sit upright, with spine straightened and chin tucked in, while you calmly observe your breath.
  • Do this for 10 to 15 minutes a day.
    To get the full benefits, focus on your concentration. Try to practice every day. It helps to lower blood pressure, slow down your thoughts, refresh your body and mind, and reverse the damaging effects of cortisol.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Boffelli D and Martin DI. “A role for epigenetic inheritance in modern evolutionary theory? A comment in response to Dickins and Rahman.” Proc Biol Sci. 2013 Oct 2;280(1771):20130903
2. Fitzgerald KN, et al. “Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial.” Aging 2021 Apr 12; 13(7):9419-9432.