Stop Disease-Causing Inflammation In One Hour!

There is an invisible cause of disease-causing inflammation most people never think about…

And it affects almost every patient I see at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging.

Let me tell you about one of them.

By the time he came to see me, my patient was feeling extreme fatigue.

You can stop disease-causing heavy metal contamination in under an hour.

He couldn’t focus at work. He had no appetite and was suffering from stomach upset. He described an overall sense of weakness and exhaustion.

He’d already seen a doctor who sent him for standard blood work. But the results didn’t reveal anything out of the ordinary.

His second doctor told him he had high blood pressure and prescribed one of Big Pharma’s beta blockers.

But he didn’t feel any better…

I told him that we were going to stop the medication and test for a suspicion I had.

So I measured his heavy metals and found that his cadmium was 6 times the upper limit of normal.

None of his previous physicians thought of testing for this.

But I don’t blame them. It’s not something you typically learn in medical school.1

Another thing most traditionally trained doctors don’t know is that even so-called “acceptable” amounts of heavy metals trigger an inflammatory response.

According to a 2022 study published in the European Journal of Inflammation, heavy metal toxins – including cadmium, lead, and mercury – have directly and indirectly been linked to an increased risk of: 2,3

  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Kidney issues
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cancer

And despite what the EPA tells us, there are no safe levels of heavy metal exposure.

You see, exposure to heavy metals activates immune cells and stimulates the release of pro-inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines and chemokines.

In turn, this leads to the development of oxidative stress. As blood levels of lead and other metals increase, this oxidative stress results in apoptosis – or cell death.4,5

My Patient Is Not An Isolated Case

Unfortunately, heavy metal poisoning sneaks up on you over time, so symptoms are often overlooked or chalked up to other causes.

I don’t know how my patient got so much cadmium (he isn’t a smoker), but it’s not hard to guess.

Common sources are things you encounter every day… burning waste, cigarette smoke, car exhaust, coffee, some processed and refined foods like hydrogenated oils – even shellfish and tap water.

My patient is not an isolated case. I’ve treated hundreds of patients for heavy metal toxicity.

Chances are you have some level of exposure to heavy metals. You can have some level of toxicity from:

  • Eating foods that contain metals – especially predatory fish, wheat cereals, certain root vegetables
  • Inhaling it through the air
  • Drinking water from tainted supply systems
  • Taking medications or supplements containing high amounts of metallic elements
  • Dental work that used “silver” amalgams
  • Smoking

But the biggest contamination comes from manufacturing.

These poisons are used in producing things like pesticides, glass, wood preservatives, fertilizers, paint, batteries, plumbing, hobby paints, and ink.

Personal care products are also a known source.6

Protect Yourself From Heavy Metal-Associated Inflammation
With IV Chelation

I recommended that my patient have chelation.

At his next appointment, he told me, “I feel young again instead of tired and weak.” His blood pressure was also back to normal.

At Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, I routinely test patients for lead exposure and other heavy metal toxicity.

My patients are always shocked by the results.

At my clinic, I’ve been helping patients use chelation for years to rid their bodies of heavy metals and other toxins. It’s a safe, easy, and fast solution, with a very low risk of side effects. IV chelation delivers calcium disodium EDTA directly into your bloodstream.7

In just about an hour, this “claw” binds to the heavy metals and toxins in your bloodstream and those that have accumulated in the fat in your tissues, like your liver, and pulls them out.

EDTA is an effective procedure to remove toxic metals from human organs, tissue, and blood.

Help To Detox Heavy Metals At Home

While chelation therapy is the most effective way to purge heavy metals from your body, I understand not everyone can do it. There are ways to detox easily at home. Here’s what I’ve found works well:

  • First, detox with dandelion. Greens from the plant stimulate the liver and act as a diuretic for excess water. Use 5 to 10 grams of dried leaves.
  • Then flush toxins with chlorella. This edible alga binds to toxins and pulls them out of your body. Take 1 gram with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can increase the dose to up to 3 grams three times a day.
  • Finally, add in milk thistle. This is still my go-to detoxifier. I have been able to document its capacity to heal damaged livers by measuring serum liver enzymes. Milk thistle is the plant Silybum marianum. I recommend 200 mg in capsule form twice a day. Look for dried extract with 80% silymarin.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


  1. ACAM Integrative Medicine Blog. “IV Chelation therapy: finding a doctor who will test for and treat heavy metal toxicity.” 2017. Accessed on September 15, 2024.
  2. Ferrero M. “Neuron protection by EDTA may explain the successful outcomes of toxic metal chelation therapy in neurodegenerative diseases.” Biomedicines. 2022 Oct; 10(10): 2476.
  3. Anka A, et al. “Potential mechanisms of some selected heavy metals in the induction of inflammation and autoimmunity.” Eur J Inflam. 2022:20.
  4. Hossein-Khannazer N, et al. “The effects of cadmium exposure in the induction of inflammation.” Immunopharmicol Immunotoxical. 2020; 42:1:1-8.
  5. Haidar Z, et al. “Disease-associated metabolic pathways affected by heavy metals and metalloid.” Toxicol Rep. 2023; 10: 554–570.
  6. US Food and Drug Administration. “FDA’s testing of cosmetics for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, mercury, and nickel content.” Accessed on September 29, 2024.

Ferrero M. “Rationale for the successful management of EDTA chelation therapy in human burden by toxic metals.” Biomed Res Int. 2016; 2016:8274504