What All Doctors Should Know

Do you need a boost to your sexual performance? Do you wake up at night to urinate? If so, you may want to try another option before you resort to expensive and often toxic prescription drugs.

In recent Health Alerts, you’ve read about a basis for using nutrients and distinguishing them from herbs. Today, I’m going to put herbs to work for you. In this article, you’ll discover my “7 Herbal Superstars.” You’ll learn what they are, how to use them and why they work.

These seven herbs are the best performers here at my clinic. They can give your physiology a little help at times without the side effects and expense of drugs. I’ll show you that herbs can protect your heart and boost your brainpower, too.

Lack of Awareness Doesn’t Prove Lack of Evidence

Herbs are still the first treatment choice for more than 80% of the people on this planet.(1) Yet, most Western trained doctors know next to nothing about them. Medical schools do not teach about herbs and drug companies pay for most after medical school training.

Many doctors misinterpret their lack of exposure to believe there is no scientific evidence to support using herbs. Yet, in fact, thousands of well-done modern scientific studies support using herbs. And these studies show that even the most controversial herbs are much safer than even the average prescription drug.

In addition, drug companies use their staggeringly huge profits to push the FDA and lawmakers to suppress these natural healers in favor of their more expensive prescription drugs.

Take these as good reasons for you to educate yourself.

Natural Sexual Lifts, Heart Protectors and Brain Boosters

Herbal therapies are integral parts of many of my health-enhancing protocols. I recommend these most often:

  • Hawthorn: Effective heart tonic. It keeps your heart rhythm regular, strengthens your heart muscle and helps it deal with stress. Recommended dose: 240mg daily.

  • Garlic: Helps prevent heart disease, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Also, slows the destruction of brain cells. Recommended dose: 300mg with each meal.

  • Gotu Kola: Improves memory and temporarily boosts alertness. Also improves circulation and has ancient link to longevity. Recommended dose: 500mg with each meal. This herb works best on an “as needed basis”. Do NOT take continuously for more than 2 weeks.

  • Green Tea: This powerful anti-oxidant reduces risk of heart disease and buildup of plaque in arteries. Protects against the formation and growth of cancer.(2) Considered the original anti-aging herb. Recommended dose: 2 cups daily.

  • Saw Palmetto: Limits the growth of prostate cells and reduces tissue swelling. It helps with frequent and painful urination. Recommended dose: 350mg daily.

  • Tribulus Terrestris: Probably the best single herb to improve sexual potency and function. It works by increasing your body’s production of testosterone. It is safe in women with low testosterone. It also increases strength and has anti-oxidant properties. Recommended dose: 250mg daily.

  • Milk Thistle: Can heal liver damage cause by alcohol or drugs. More powerful anti-oxidant than vitamin C or E. Recommended dose: 300mg twice a day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

1 Alternative Therapies; Health Matters Consumer Guides (www.abc.net.au/health/cguides/alternative.htm) July 30, 2004

2 Carper J. Stop Aging Now! New York: Harper Perennial. 1996.