Frankenfoods free to attack you

Should anyone else get to decide what goes into your body? Should a few corporations have control over all your food?

Monsanto thinks it should. It already controls a lot of it. And wants more control.

As much as 70% of the packaged foods you can buy at the store have a genetically modified component. Almost every corn, sugar beet, canola and soy seed was created in a lab by giant agricultural conglomerates. And Monsanto is the biggest of them all.

But they’re not stopping at crops. Animals are next on their list.

Fortunately, there are still a few ways to stay beyond the reach of Big Agra and keep control of your dinner table … and what you choose to put into your body.

But that’s not stopping Big Agra from trying to grab control over everything farmers do, if they can.

It’s why Monsanto, the biggest of the Big Agra companies, fought a small family farmer from Indiana all the way to the Supreme Court.

Have you heard his story?

Vernon Bowman owns a few hundred acres passed down to him by his father. He actually buys Monsanto’s genetically modified soybeans for his

annual crop. So he’s a customer. But when he used leftover grain from the local grain elevator to plant a late-season crop, Monsanto sued him. And won $85,000.

Turns out 94% of Indiana soybeans come from Monsanto’s Roundup Ready (weed killer-resistant) seeds. The company claims you can’t plant leftover soybeans with their patented gene in it. You have to buy new seed from them. Bowman argued he can do what he wants with leftover seed.

He appealed, and the case went in front of the Supreme Court this week.

During the hearing, the justices seemed inclined to take Monsanto’s side. Meaning that the government is OK with Monsanto’s constant lawsuits and threats that are terrorizing farmers.

Should Big Agra be allowed to control what farmers plant? Should they be allowed to terrify farmers and drive people out of business so they can patent every food we eat?

It’s happening already. Right now, only 10 companies control two thirds of the seeds for all the major crops.1

And they don’t have to tell you how they’ve tampered with the genes in those crops. Because the FDA has declared GMOs “substantially equivalent” to naturally occurring crops. Meaning the government has declared GMOs are just like the real thing and can’t harm you.

Next, they want to patent our meat, too. That includes cows, chicken, and even pigs.

It’s not very well known, but in doing the research for my exclusive report Frankenstein Set Free on the Farm: Terrorizing Farmers and Making Us Sick, I discovered that Monsanto has sought patents not only on methods of breeding, but on actual breeding herds of pigs as well as their offspring.

The patents are for simple procedures, but are so wide ranging that it would give Monsanto the right to stop anyone from breeding pigs that have characteristics described in their patents. Or force farmers to pay huge dollars in royalties.

Then they’ll give them genetically engineered feed grown from genetically engineered seed raised in fields sprayed with Roundup – all made by Monsanto.

And this is just a small part of their plan. it get’s worse. For the whole story, you can download Frankenstein Set Free on the Farm here.

But there is hope. You can still keep control over your dinner table. Here are 4 steps you can take starting today that will help you decide what you put in your body:

1. The first thing to do is to try and avoid processed foods whenever possible. I always recommend eating whole or minimally processed food products across the board. These energize your body and result in vigor, strength and long-term health.

The best of Big Agra’s technology can only mimic a handful of the “cofactors” contained in natural foods. These help your body absorb their essential vitamins and minerals. But plants contain around 300 vital cofactors that can’t be reproduced in processed foods.

2. Second, stick with pasture-raised meats. To find out more about them, visit:

  • American Grassfed Association (americangrassfed .org) – Certifies farms and ranches around the country, works with the USDA to standardize what pasture-raised means, and has news and even recipes.
  • US Wellness Meats (grasslandbeef .com) – A resource for naturally produced meat, with videos and insight from experts.

3. Third, explore the farmer’s or green markets in your area. Eating locally is the best way to get the freshest organic food with no trace of GMOs. Try these sites: farmersmarket .com or localharvest .org.

4. And finally, for dairy products and other packaged foods, look for a “non-GMO” label. This can be tricky, because the manufacturers of genetically modified foods are lobbying hard to get “non-GMO” labels banned. But for now, they’re still legal.

1. Kimbrell G, Tomaselli P. “Brief For Amici Curiae … In Support Of Petitioner.” Writ Of Certiorari To The United States Court Of Appeals For The Federal Circuit by the Center for Food Safety, No. 11-796.