How To Use This Natural "Claw" For Control…

Dear Member,

A lot of my patients suffer from an embarrassing problem: poor bladder control. Medical solutions aren’t so appealing. I’ve got a better alternative.

It’s called Cat’s Claw Root.

This is a vine native to the jungles of Central and South America. It’s named for its dangerous-looking thorns. Turns out it’s not dangerous at all.

While most herbal specialists in this country don’t know much about it, tribes in the Amazon have been using the root of this plant for centuries.

In fact the Asháninka tribe of Peru swear by its medicinal powers as a general health tonic, contraceptive, and anti-inflammatory agent for the gastrointestinal tract.1*

Turns out they’re onto something. Over the past twenty years, researchers have identified fifty-three separate compounds in Cat’s Claw Root that provide a broad range of health benefits, including:2*

  • anti-inflammatory
  • immune booster
  • antioxidant
  • central nervous system health support
  • vascular support

What does all this mean for your bladder function? One of Cat’s Claw’s most important clinically proven benefits for optimum bladder function lies in its unique natural ability to relax the smooth muscles.3* These govern how well the muscles in your bladder are able to void (and retain) urine. If they’re too tight, they constrict, making simple urination difficult. If they’re weak, it makes peeing difficult to control.

Its anti-inflammatory properties are also highly beneficial for the urinary tract.

I’ve found it works well in commercial preparations ranging from 250 to 1000 milligrams daily. You can make a medicinal tea by boiling the root bark of Cat’s Claw in water for five to 10 minutes and then straining the water. A recommended dose is one cup of tea three times daily. You can also try dry, encapsulated standardized extract with 20 to 60 mg daily.

One other point to bear in mind: some

people are allergic to Cat’s Claw. Be sure to take it under the supervision of a licensed health practitioner. The symptoms include rash, itching, and in some cases, irritated inflammation of the kidneys. If you experience any of these, discontinue use immediately.

Also make sure the species of Cat’s Claw you’re taking is the right one. There are many plants in Mexico and other parts of Central and South America that go by the name of “Cat’s Claw.”

The one you want should have the botanical name Uncaria Rubiaceae. Other types of Cat’s Claw won’t work and are a waste of money and time.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

1.The Longwood Herbal Task Force article on Cat’s Claw.
2.Heitzman et al. “Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Uncaria (Rubiaceae).” Phytochemistry. 2005. 66(1):5-29.
3.Nutrition Forum article by Varro E. Tyler on Cat’s Claw.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.