Dear Reader:
I have a dog named Cosmo. I’ve been feeding him raw eggs and cod liver oil for years. When people try to guess his age, they often say “3 or 4…” – in reality Cosmo is 11. But he still has the energy he did when he was a puppy.
If you’re a regular reader of Doctor’s House Call, you know that omega-3s are crucial to normal brain development, cell membrane and hormone formation, metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides, and cellular energy production.
In addition, omega-3 fatty acids ward off arthritis by reducing inflammation and joint pain (a common problem in older dogs and cats). It’s also an excellent immune booster and helps to prevent diseases like lupus.
Omega-3s are also a key to boosting heart health. As I’ve written before, they increase HDL cholesterol – the “good” kind – and reduce LDL cholesterol – the “bad” kind. Your pets are just as likely to develop high blood pressure and heart disease if they’re not getting enough omega-3s in their diet.
What’s more, omega-3s have been proven to prevent macular degeneration in humans, a problem that commonly comes with aging. The macula, an area at the back of the retina, breaks down as we get older and can lead to blurry vision or even blindness. The same goes for your dog.
What all this means is that with enough omega-3s in their diet, your pet will have more energy, get sick less often, enjoy higher levels of activity over the course of its life, and even have better eyesight and a healthier coat. And there’s a good chance your pet will live longer too…
So the next time you make breakfast or dinner for your pet, consider adding a rich source of omega-3s to their pet food. You
can easily mix an egg into dry pet food. A tablespoon of cod liver oil is a great option too. You can add both or alternate one with the other.To Your Pet’s Good Health,
Al Sears, MD