A Real Pandemic

Your body is under attack from a deadly “pandemic.” One that affects more than 10 times the number of people touched by the coronavirus.

In fact, a recent study linked it to over 2 billion cases of chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more.

Researchers at the University of Zurich discovered the threat when they wanted to know what was causing the massive explosion in chronic disease that now affects 60% of all U.S. adults.1

Their prime suspect was an onslaught of environmental toxins. I’m talking about pesticides, petrochemicals, endocrine disruptors, fire retardants, allergens, and more.

These toxins are incredibly pervasive. One analysis of umbilical cord composition detected an average of 200 different industrial chemicals and pollutants in each child tested. And this was in newborn infants.2

Standing on the frontline defending against this toxic assault are your epithelial cells. Think of them as a large “wall” designed to keep out invaders.

Lining almost every surface of your body, these epithelial cells play a critical role in protecting your lungs, blood vessels, heart, skin, urinary, and digestive tracts. You couldn’t survive a day without them.

After analyzing every scrap of data, the Swiss researchers issued a stunning finding…

Epithelial damage is responsible for 2 billion chronic diseases worldwide. They declared this toxic deluge “one of the greatest threats to humankind.”3

Now, I’ve been sounding the alarm on this since the publication of my book, The Doctor’s Heart Cure. And while 2 billion is a breathtaking number, it actually underestimates the true extent of the problem. Because the University of Zurich scientists only focused on toxins and pathogens.

But most chronic disease begins in your gut. And what the Zurich study overlooked is the mass consumption of Big Agra’s sugar-laden, processed foods that constantly hammer your cells with glycemic spikes.

Over time, this toxic combination of

chemicals and glycemic overload triggers what I call Syndrome Zero – the universal cause of all chronic diseases.

You need to act now to ensure you’re not its next victim.

Protect Your Gut From Syndrome Zero

Syndrome Zero takes a wrecking ball to your health. First, toxins and excess sugars totally disrupt your gut microbiome. This wipes out your beneficial bacteria and opens fissures in your cellular linings.

Next comes leaky gut syndrome, which triggers a highly inflammatory, hyperactive immune response. Then the chronic disease is right around the corner.

The good news is this progression can be stopped and even reversed. And my patients have proven it… with near-miraculous results. You can do the same using my three-step strategy to help defend your gut:

    • Gut Defense #1 – Glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies your body. Whenever toxins or pathogens attack your epithelial cells, glutathione levels drop. That’s because glutathione is like an ammunition cache that must be replenished.4 I recommend liposomal glutathione. Wrapping glutathione in a tiny bubble of healthy fat – a liposome – keeps your stomach acid from destroying it prior to absorption. In one study, liposomal glutathione raised blood levels by 40% in just one week, with a corresponding 100% jump in certain immune-function biomarkers, including T cells and B cells.5 That’s pretty remarkable. Start with a gram of liposomal glutathione daily… and gradually increase it to 1 gram taken twice daily.
    • Gut Defense #2 – Rooibos. South Africa’s “red bush” shrub is packed with polyphenol antioxidants and flavonoids… including quercetin, rutin, and aspalathin. These unique phenols act as prebiotics to nurture beneficial gut bacteria while inhibiting bacteria associated with inflammation. I try to drink a cup of rooibos tea every day. I also advise patients to supplement with 20 mg of rooibos daily.
    • Gut Defense #3 – Glutamine. L-glutamine is an amino acid that tightens the spaces between epithelial cells to plug holes in a leaky gut. While your body can synthesize its own glutamine, levels tend to plummet whenever you’re under assault from an illness, anxiety – and an overload of environmental toxins. It’s available online or at your local health food store, in capsule or powder form. I recommend beginning with 500 mg a day. Gradually increase your dose: Most patients tolerate several grams a day taken with water. In an increasingly toxic world, it’s the defense your gut needs to stay healthy.

Note: Those with kidney disease, liver disease, or Reye’s syndrome should consult a doctor before supplementing.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. CDC. “About Chronic Diseases.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019, CDC.gov website.
2. Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns. (2005, July 14). Retrieved from EWG website.
3. Defective epithelial barriers linked to two billion chronic diseases. (2021, May 6). Retrieved June 17, 2021, from ScienceDaily website.
4. Pizzorno, J. (2014). Glutathione! Integrative Medicine (Encinitas, Calif.), 13(1), 8–12. Retrieved National Institutes of Health website.
5. Sinha, R., Sinha, I., Calcagnotto, A., Trushin, N., Haley, J. S., Schell, T. D., & Richie, J. P. (2018). Oral supplementation with liposomal glutathione elevates body stores of glutathione and markers of immune function. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 72(1), 105–111.