A Reliable Source of Brain Power

Health Alert 268

Dear Subscriber:

Back in Health Alert 243 I discussed the benefits of  L-carnitine. Some of these include weight loss, improved heart function, increased energy, and better sports performance.1

But a new report shows that L-carnitine has other important benefits. Today, we’ll talk about this new discovery and how you can take advantage of it.

* Slow The Aging Of Your Brain *

You’ve heard about free radicals. They can damage your cells through oxidation. Your brain cells are particularly vulnerable. They produce a lot of energy. The more energy a cell produces the more free radicals it makes.

There is a link between oxidation and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Oxidation also causes an age related decline in mental functions. L-carnitine helps remove free radicals. It feeds the brain, and prevents damage.2

A recent Japanese university study discovered that L-carnitine helps produce energy. It turns on a DNA repairing system. And it raises levels of other antioxidants. The study found the beneficial actually increased over time.3

In another study researchers tested three groups of beagles for age-related declines in memory and learning abilities over a two-year period. The L-carnitine group showed higher reasoning and learning abilities than the controls.

The findings have important implications for several reasons. Humans and dogs share similarities in brain structure, cognitive strategies, and the processing of dietary nutrients. We are also vulnerable to similar declines in memory and learning that occur with age.4

You don’t have to risk the loss of your mental edge. Take steps to protect your brain from the effects of aging. Supplementing with 500 milligrams of L-carnitine daily is easy and safe.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears MD


1 Sears, A. MD; Carnitine: The Super Nutrient; Health Alert #243

2 Protocol: Age-associated mental impairment; Life Extension Update Exclusive, Jan. 18 2005

3 Old dogs learn new tricks; Life Extension Update Exclusive, Jan. 18 2005

4 Juliet PA, Joyee AG, Jayaraman G, Mohankumar MN, Panneerselvam C; Effects of L-carnitine on nucleic acid status of aged rat brain; Exp. Neurol. 2005 Jan; 191(1): 33-40