About Your Free PACE Lesson…

Dear Reader,

If you follow PACE®, you’ve seen how it can make you lean. We’ve seen it work for hundreds now.

I’ve just agreed to do a live interview about PACE®. If you’d like to hear me explain how PACE® reverses disease and burns fat, you can sign up to hear me talk – LIVE over the phone. You’ll hear my own words with tips and tricks to unleashing your best PACE® program.

I’ve got it set up so you hear me talk and answer questions about PACE® free. And, you can opt to get some other useful stuff…

By enrolling in the EveryDay Qi Wellness Intensive, you’ll get live in-depth interviews with some of the people I respect the most in health and wellness today. It’s a free 12-week teleseminar series, starting April 11th at 8 pm.

If you’re unfamiliar with “Qi” (pronounced chee), it’s the Chinese word for vital energy.

The series brings together 12 remarkable individuals who bring their wisdom to finding health, wealth and prosperity in everyday life.

As the first featured speaker, I’ll give you my most important health tips, especially the keys to my PACE® program. During my talk, I’ll tell you what I almost always say in my private consultations with patients.

I plan on covering the basics of how to put PACE® into practice to make you leaner, your lungs bigger and especially make your heart strong and resistant to the world’s biggest epidemic, heart disease. Some of my readers have some questioned already, on:

• How to use the secret of “delayed recovery” to blow out fat stores and keep your fat-loss engine humming year after year…

• How to put together your personal PACE® program, even if you’ve had injuries, problems or setbacks…

• The little-known technique for building pounds

of new muscle – without EVER stepping foot in a gym…

• Can you use PACE if you’re pressed for time? I’ll tell you how to do an effective, fat-burning PACE® session in as little as 2 minutes.

• The truth about diet and fat loss… (I’ll show how to enjoy a 12oz. Porterhouse steak without a shred of guilt!)

I’m glad that they also set up some other sessions if you want to sit in on future ones, you’ll hear Dr. Joe Vitale talk about an ancient Hawaiian system you can use to remove mental obstacles, freeing you to automatically manifest health, wealth, peace and more…

You’ll also hear Dr. Symeon Rodger tell how to permanently eliminate stress and anxiety, get unshakable inner peace, and obtain abundant physical and mental energy… on demand.

You can sign up, fast and easy right now. It won’t cost you a single penny.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

P.S. – If you’re not available to listen during the actual teleconference, don’t worry… We are recording it for your convenience so you can listen anytime you want. But you have to register in advance.