African jungle cancer cure

I have to admit… I just don’t know how it’s going to turn out… I am learning from my travels to Africa but my endeavors there have hurdles. For instance, many of the African doctors, traditional healers and herbalists who are contributing to my new book are very protective of their herbal knowledge.

But from the healing secrets we’re gathering so far, Healing Roots of Africa is going to help you fight cancer, restore your libido, heal chronic inflammation, protect your prostate, give you more mental and physical energy, lower your blood pressure and heal all kinds of aches and pains naturally.

Plus, it will be an incredibly in-depth accounting of traditional herbal healing practices. Very personal, authentic and substantive.

You’ll be able to benefit from eight different contributing authors who will all share their healing knowledge and cures, many for the first time anywhere.

Here’s one you can use right now… a healing food you may have heard of, but probably never knew was a cancer-fighter.

It’s just one of the natural cures that a long line of African healers have traditionally used for digestive health, brain health, and to fight cancer.

It’s a certain species of winter squash, Cucurbita maxima.

It looks a lot like a small round pumpkin, and has compounds called cucurbitacins.

Why is that important to you? Because cucurbitacins have a lot of health benefits, including being anti-cancer.

These compounds reduce fever, relieve pain, fight inflammation, help prevent conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease, and they fight infection, lower blood sugar,1 and protect your liver.

They are also anti-tumor and like other plant-derived substances, they zero in on cancer cells to kill them off.2

Cucurbitacins are very effective against breast cancer cells.3 And in a study on mice, just 1mg per kilogram of

body weight of cucurbitacins had powerful anti-cancer effects and reduced melanoma tumors.4

Plus, they disrupt and induce death in human prostate cancer cells.5

The great thing about this particular summer squash is that it’s cultivated around the world. That means you can use this little-known African healing secret starting now.

You can grow them yourself easily from seeds and they come into season from August through September.

Also, the squash starts producing edible seeds from August-October. I like the seeds because they have all the essential amino acids and have a lot of manganese and zinc, too.

I like to eat them roasted. Here’s how you do it:

  1. First, spread some Sacha Inchi oil on a baking sheet
  1. Spread out the seeds and add some unrefined, natural sea salt
  1. Roast them for no more than 15 minutes.
  1. Let them cool and enjoy!

One thing to remember is that you don’t want to leave the seeds in the oven for more than 20 minutes so that they keep all the healthy fats, cucurbitacins as well as the vitamins and minerals.

1. Saha P, et. al. “Antidiabetic Activity of Cucurbita maxima Aerial Parts.” Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 2011;5: 577-586.
2. Ríos J, Andújar I, Escandell J, Giner R, Recio M. “Cucurbitacins as inducers of cell death and a rich source of potential anticancer compounds.” Curr Pharm Des. 2012;18(12):1663-76.
3. Aribi A, et. al. “The triterpenoid cucurbitacin B augments the antiproliferative activity of chemotherapy in human breast cancer.” Int J Cancer. 2013;132(12):2730-7.
4. Alghasham A. “Cucurbitacins – a promising target for cancer therapy.” Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 2013;7(1):77-89.
5. Duncan K, Duncan M, Alley M, Sausville E. “Cucurbitacin E-induced disruption of the actin and vimentin cytoskeleton in prostate carcinoma cells.” Biochem. Pharmacol. 1996;52, 1553–1560.