All the Vitamin C You Will Ever Need

Let’s face it, vitamin C just isn’t sexy. It feels like yesterday’s news.

But new research is changing vitamin C’s image – proving why it’s one of the most important nutrients you can take, especially for seniors.

A new study published in the journal Antioxidants found that cognitive impairment among older adults could be the result of a vitamin C deficiency – and that boosting levels could be a potential treatment.1

In the study, researchers assessed the cognitive function of 160 patients over age 75 using the Mini-Mental State Examination. This test is the gold standard to measure cognitive decline.

According to the lead researcher, cognitive function scores were significantly lower among patients who were vitamin C deficient.

And further analysis found that vitamin C deficiency was almost three times more likely to be associated with cognitive impairment after adjustment for other factors.

This study backs up earlier research that found vitamin C’s antioxidant power plays a significant role in the functioning of the brain. And that a deficiency is associated with a lack of concentration, increased confusion, depression, and memory loss.2,3

You see, the highest vitamin C concentrations are in your brain and central nervous system. The main function of this super nutrient is as an antioxidant that defends your brain cells by neutralizing free radical damage.

Sadly, most doctors will tell you that cognitive decline is a natural part of aging.

But you don’t get dementia or Alzheimer’s just because you’re getting older. These brain diseases are a direct result of living in a modern environment that has stripped our diet of vital nutrients, including vitamin C.

In fact, vitamin C levels have fallen more than 30% since 1975. This means that nearly half of Americans are vitamin C deficient. Even worse, as many as 26 million people show signs of the most extreme

form of deficiency — scurvy!4,5

The USDA recommends that we get between 75 and 90 mg of vitamin C a day.

That might be enough to ward off the worst cases of scurvy, but not much more. In fact, I call that recommendation downright criminal.

Take The Only “C” Supplement Your Body Can Fully Absorb

It’s almost impossible to get all the vitamin C you need from your food. That’s why I suggest you supplement with 3,000 mg to 5,000 mg if you’re healthy. If you’re under a lot of stress or if you’re sick, you can take as much as 20,000 mg per day.

But not just any drug store vitamin C will do. The chewable form you find there won’t give you the boost you’re looking for. You see, absorption — or bioavailability — is an issue, and your body can only absorb about 500 mg of this conventional form of vitamin C before you hit saturation. And that’s nowhere near enough.

I recommend you take liposomal-encapsulated supplements. Liposomes were developed during the last 10 years and wrap the vitamin C molecule in a thin layer of fat.

These fats are called phospholipids. Your cell membranes are made from the same fat, and the protective layer allows it to bypass your digestive system and “dock” with the vitamin receptors on your cells. You consistently get around 98% absorption , depending on the brand.

You can find liposomal vitamin C as a liquid, a capsule, and even as packets of orange-colored gel that you take as a shot in a glass of water.

Get 100 Times Vitamin C’s Healing Power – In One Hour

To get the maximum healing power vitamin C has to offer, I suggest high-dose IV therapy. In addition to boosting brain health, I use it to treat and prevent several chronic and acute conditions. These include:

  • Building a stronger immune system
  • Reducing the oxidative stress that leads to mood disorders, including depression
  • Increasing iron absorption
  • Promoting wound healing
  • Detoxing lead, a leading cause of Alzheimer’s, from the body
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improving cancer therapies

You can safely get much more vitamin C through an IV than you can through most supplements. You can infuse vitamin C at 100 times the concentration of oral supplements completely safely. No matter how high the dose, vitamin C does not harm healthy cells.

Many of my patients tell me they get an immediate big boost of energy and a feeling of well-being the day after IV vitamin therapy.

If you’re interested in IV therapy at my clinic, please call (561) 784-7852. My staff will be happy to schedule an appointment for you.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. Sharma Y, et al. “Relationship between vitamin C deficiency and cognitive impairment in older hospitalized patients: a cross-sectional study.” Antioxidants. 2022;
2. Travica N, et al. “Plasma vitamin C concentrations and cognitive function: A cross-sectional study.” Front Aging Neurosci. 2019;11:72.
3. Monacelli R, et al. “Vitamin C, aging and Alzheimer’s disease.” Nutrients. 2017 Jul; 9(7): 670.
4. “Vitamin C deficiency still prevalent in US population.” Knowledge of Health (www. August 15, 2009.
5. Composition of Foods Raw, Processed, Prepared USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24.