Alzheimer’s improved 32% in two months

Traditional doctors have totally missed the mark with Alzheimer’s research, prevention, and potential cures.

First, most doctors will tell you that dementia is a “normal” part of the aging process. It’s NOT true. Your brain is capable of staying fully functional, no matter what your age is as long as you take care of it.

Second, they say Alzheimer’s is a genetic disease. Wrong! While early-onset Alzheimer’s does run in families, late-onset Alzheimer’s is the most common form. It strikes after age 65. The sharp increase in victims is a recent phenomenon. Human genes don’t change that drastically in two or three generations.

And their third major mistake is the belief that dementia is all about amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Yes, plaques and tangles are classic hallmarks of Alzheimer’s. They damage the brain, causing memory loss and confusion. But they are symptoms — not the cause.

Mainstream medicine’s biggest mistake is telling you there is nothing you can do to help yourself once you’ve been given a dementia diagnosis.

Let me tell you about Betty. Her case study – published in the journal Medical Gas Research – proves that this is NOT true.

Pressurized Oxygen Breathes New Life into Your Brain

For five years, the 58-year-old Alzheimer’s patient suffered from progressively deteriorating cognitive abilities. Her situation was dire.

This patient was then treated with cutting-edge therapy that can REVERSE Alzheimer’s disease and dementia!

After 66 days of receiving therapy, her brain regained much of what the disease had stolen from her. Her memory, mood, and concentration improved. And so did her ability to do crossword puzzles, use the computer, and return to her normal activities of daily living.1

But this study goes beyond what the patient reported about her symptoms or her performance on tests.

PET scans taken before and after treatment provide visible proof the treatment works! In fact, the researcher who documented the case described the improvement on the scans as “so apparent that even a third-grader could look at them and say the patient looks better.”

In fact, these scans showed her brain “energy” and metabolism improved nearly 32% – from 6.5% to 38%.

And this patient was the first of 11 Alzheimer’s patients whose improvement was documented with PET scans.

The treatment these Alzheimer’s survivors had was hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). As a regular reader, you’ve heard me share the incredible outcomes I’ve seen in my own patients after undergoing HBOT.

HBOT treatment boosts oxygen levels in your brain in two ways:

First, it allows your lungs to take in more oxygen than you do when breathing oxygen at normal air pressure. The higher pressure physically dissolves more oxygen into your red blood cells, boosting oxygen levels.

Next, HBOT also increases the synthesis of nitric oxide. This simple, natural gas is one of your body’s most important signaling chemicals. Its primary function is to send “blood flow signals” that tell your blood vessels to relax. This allows more oxygen-rich blood to reach your brain. When blood vessels in your brain are inflamed and squeezed, the oxygen supply is restricted, but HBOT opens them up.

If you’re interested in HBOT therapy at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine for yourself or for a loved one, please call my staff at 561-784-7852. They will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Oxygenate Your Brain Easily at Home

In the meantime, it’s important to increase oxygen supply to the brain. Here’s what I tell my patients:

  1. Supplement with DHA. This fatty acid found in omega-3 plays a key role in the structure of all cell membranes in your body. DHA makes red blood cells more “flexible,” which means they move more easily between the capillaries and cells, delivering more oxygen.

    One study found it improves oxygen intake in the lungs and promotes the formation of new blood vessels.2 A second study found that DHA (combined with vitamin D) improved Alzheimer’s symptoms in 90% of patients.3

    I recommend supplementing with krill and calamari oil. These lesser-known options are better equipped to keep your cells, tissues, and organs fully oxygenated. I tell my patients to get between 600 mg and 1,000 mg of DHA a day. Take it with a meal for full absorption.

  2. Practice deep breathing. This is an easy way to get the healing benefits of oxygen. It can be done sitting or lying down. Just place your hands on your belly and feel it expand as you inhale. Then breath into the sides of your lower chest pushing your side ribs out. Finally, lift your upper chest and let it fill with air.

    Exhale in the same order, from your abdomen to your ribs to your upper chest. Start with 5 minutes a day and work up to 15 minutes. In no time at all, you’ll be boosting your oxygen throughout the day without even thinking.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Harch PG and Fogarty EF. “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for Alzheimer’s dementia with positron emission tomography imaging: A case report.” Med Gas Res. 2018:8(4)181-184.
2. Walser B, et al. “Supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids augments brachial artery dilation and blood flow during forearm contraction.” Eur J Appl Physiol. 2006;97(3):347-354.
3. Cole GM and Frautschy SA. “DHA may prevent age-related dementia.” J Nutr. 2010;140(4):869–874.