Put THAT in Your Pipe and Smoke It!

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

I still see doctors writing and saying there is no evidence that vitamins really do anything for anyone.

Oh, really? What about this?

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada just published the results of a new study of a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They showed that they could delay major aspects of aging. And, it extended lifespan by 10 percent!1

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that multivitamins can keep you younger, longer. It showed that people who take a daily multivitamin had younger DNA and 5.1 percent longer telomeres than people who didn’t take a multivitamin.2

“Telomeres” may sound like tough science. But let me tell you why this is so significant for aging.

Fact is, telomeres are the major genetic control of aging.

Here’s a simple way to understand it…

Telomeres act like your body’s clock. Every cell is told how old to act by the telomere. The longer the telomere, the younger your cells will be.

So, now do you see why this study shows how effective vitamins are?

Think about it. People who took a multivitamin had longer telomeres – or younger-acting cells – than people who didn’t.

To all those nay-saying doctors… Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!

We have a lot more research to do to find out why multivitamins keep your cells younger. But I have a pretty good theory.

I think it’s because they function as antioxidants. Because, you see, we know that oxidation prematurely shortens your telomeres and makes you old.

So, when you’re thinking about multivitamins, get the best antioxidants.

This has been a passion for a lot of my research for a long time now.

Here are the antioxidants that I think are most effective at keeping your cells as young as possible for as long as possible:

  • Vitamin A: Helps prevent night blindness, lowers the risk of macular degeneration, decreases the risk of lung and breast cancer, and maximizes skin health. Take 20,000 i.u. daily.
  • Vitamin E: Fights free radicals, lowers risk of heart disease, and lowers the risk of prostate and colon cancer. Take 200 i.u. daily.
  • Vitamin C: Fights free radicals, maintains body structure, helps your immune system, aids the nervous system, and helps break down histamines. Take 500 mg. daily.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): Lowers the risk of lung disease and neurological disorders. Take 50 mg. daily.
  • CoQ10: Destroys free radicals, and successfully treats heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Helps prevent arteriosclerosis. I recommend 50 mg. of the more potent form, ubiquinol, daily.
  • Lutein: Protects your vision, and lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease. Take 12,000 mcg. daily.
  • Lycopene: Prevents coronary artery disease, and reduces the risk of prostate and pancreatic cancers. Take 10-20 mg. daily.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

  1. Aksenov V., Long J., Lokuge S., Foster J.A., Liu J., Rollo C.D. “Dietary amelioration of locomotor, neurotransmitter and mitochondrial aging,” Experimental Biology and Medicine 2010, Vol. 235, Pages 66-76.
  2. Xu et al. “Multivitamin use and telomere length in women,” Am J Clin Nutr (March 11, 2009).
  3. Lim, Beong Ou, et al. “Efficacy of Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation on Hepatic Cholesterol and Oxidative status in Aged Rats” J-Nutr-Sci-Vitaminol-(Tokyo). 2003 Aug; 49(4): 292-6.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.