Are Your Intestines Damaging Your Brain?

Most people don’t realize that your small intestine’s lining is only one cell layer thick. And when this delicate surface barrier is damaged by a poor diet, inflammation, overuse of medications, and environmental toxins, you can have partially digested food particles “leaking” into your bloodstream.

That means all the sewage inside your intestines leaks into your blood stream and activates your immune system, causing you to become allergic to the foods we normally should be able to digest and leaving you to become sick, fat, and even depressed, anxious, forgetful and foggy.

Keeping your digestive system healthy is critical for proper brain function because ultimately you are not only what you eat; you are truly only what you absorb.

When your gut is damaged, your body cannot absorb the crucial nutrients it needs like omega-3 fats, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D and B12. These key nutrients, which are critical for normal brain operation, have the most trouble being absorbed when things go wrong in the gut.

Having a leaky gut is a huge problem and we’re recognizing this more in medicine.

So what can do to fix this problem?

Dr. Hyman, author of the New York Times bestselling book, The UltraMind Solution, has outlined a strategy that can help you fix your gut.

Start by eliminating food allergens from your diet like gluten and dairy for 6 weeks. Then he suggests taking digestive enzymes, zinc and probiotics. All these can help to repair the damaged intestines and bring your digestive system and your brain back into balance.

I’ll explain how you can get more information to fix your gut in a second. I have one more point to show how important your gut is to your overall health.

Take eczema for instance. That’s the scaly rash you can get anywhere on your skin.

Most doctors, know how to put on potions, lotions and salves, which work on the outside, BUT skin problems like eczema really come from the inside.

So unless you address the underlying cause underneath your skin, you won’t fix the problem…

You’ll just deal with the symptoms.

The things that trigger inflammation in your skin are the same things that trigger inflammation in your brain.

In fact some people, if they have an inflamed gut will get eczema while others will get autism or depression.

But the treatment is the same as treating your leaky gut.

So if you want to fix your skin, you need to fix your gut.

Why do I bring this up?

Because these were just two tips Dr. Hyman gave during the live taping of his national public television program which aired on 75% of the nation’s PTV channels last June.

During this 58-minute program, he taught how imbalances in the seven core systems of the body explain all the symptoms and diseases we think are “brain” problems.

In fact, the seven keys that he discussed inside the DVD are not just the seven keys to an UltraMind, but the seven keys to everything.

During this show he teaches you the seven keys to an UltraMind, and what you can do today to fix your broken brain (and your leaky gut).

The information in this DVD is very relevant to our daily lives, because we now have the answer to many of our brain problems… (from depression to dementia, from anxiety to autism, from memory problems to mood swings and from brain fog to trouble concentrating.)

I’ve arranged with Dr. Hyman to making this DVD available to you.

I just got finished watching his DVD and here are just a few of the subjects he talked about…

  • How to fix your brain by feeding it the right foods…
  • How to rebalance your hormones…
  • How to reduce inflammation and renew your body and brain…
  • Why your gut has more to do with your happy mood than your brain…
  • How toxins may be causing you to be sick, sluggish, overweight and mentally drained…
  • How to get more energy without drugs or caffeine…
  • Why stress causes brain damage and how you can start relaxing…

The complete DVD with bonus footage isn’t available anywhere except Dr. Hyman’s site.

Click here if you would like to get a copy and supercharge your brain in 58 minutes.

In fact, he has over 30 minutes of bonus footage, which covers a complete Q&A period with the live audience. Many of the questions you have were asked during this special bonus footage.

None of the questions were staged. They were from real people struggling with real problems…

  • How to get rid of bacteria and yeast that are overgrowing and creating havoc inside your stomach…
  • How to get the right balance of omega-3 fats…
  • What may be confusing your immune system and attacking your thyroid…
  • Why all the new heavily marketed high-fiber foods are not all they are made out to be…
  • The truth about alcohol and your brain (and what extra vitamins you may need to be taking if you drink)…
  • Steps to take if you have irritable bowel syndrome…
  • How to know if you are allergic or sensitive to gluten…
  • How to address autism…

Your body is the best doctor.

It will tell you exactly what to do and how to fix itself. You simply have to listen.

Inside The UltraMind Solution DVD, Dr. Hyman will show you how to uncover how you can incorporate the seven keys to an UltraMind and begin healing your brain.

The complete 58 minute session and 30 minute bonus footage is available today. To grab your copy, please click here and secure your DVD.

Orders will ship today until they run out. So grab your copy today.

P.S. Inside The New England Journal of Medicine, a study showed that there are 55 different diseases you can get from eating gluten. You can have depression, or schizophrenia, autism, autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, osteoporosis or irritable bowel syndrome all from this one thing. Another good reason to cut it out and give your gut a break.

Discover how you can find out if your brain problems are caused by gluten.