Because of You, We Have to Leave…

Dear Reader,

Today I’d like to share some good news with you .

We’re moving our clinic, research foundation and headquarters to a new location. We’ve simply outgrown our space.

Our business is undergoing tremendous growth, our readership has more than doubled within the past year. The word is getting out about our new line of supplements and we are expanding our research.

This new location is only about one mile down the road from our current location. We’re excited about the move because it gives us the additional space that we really need…about 50% more space. And it’s a much newer and more modern space.

But even this location is only temporary. Because, in the meantime, we are having a brand new facility built that will give us the wellness center that I’ve always wanted. It will be like a cross between the Canyon Ranch, the Pritikin Center & Spa, the Cooper Aerobics Center, and the Life Extension Foundation.

This new center, The Sears Center for Health and Wellness, will still provide the services of natural hormone therapy, anti-aging and natural approaches to healing as it always has.

However, it will now give us the space we need to expand our research and technology and provide more cutting-edge services in prevention, healing, anti-aging, nutrition and exercise physiology.

In fact we are planning to have an entire lab dedicated to researching exercise physiology that will enable us to test my PACE program and to have more concrete information on how to activate your native fat burner. For example, we will be working on ways to accurately measure oxygen debt and how the body makes and uses energy with exercise.

And we will also be expanding our anti-aging therapies. We will be offering a cutting-edge treatment called TA65. This therapy literally resets your biological clock. In the weeks to come I will be telling you all about it.

Our new address starting July 7 will be:

11903 Southern Blvd.

Suite 208

Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

This is an exciting time for us—and for you, too. We look forward to providing you with new research, information, and alternative therapies that will keep you active, healthy, and disease free.

If you would like to visit our new center, contact our receptionist Koree for an appointment at 561-784-7852 any time. Please remember that I cannot answer your medical questions over the phone.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD