Beware Couch Potato Lungs

Has the stress of the last six months turned you into a chip-eating couch potato?

I don’t want you to feel too bad if it has… These are strange times. But this kind of lifestyle does more than cause weight gain and increase your risk of chronic diseases, like diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

It causes your lungs to become riddled with fat.

And that affects every aspect of your health. Let me explain…

An underactive, carb-heavy diet can cause you to develop adult-onset asthma as a result of too much carbon dioxide and too little oxygen in your blood.

This can lead to heart failure, brain damage and organ shutdown as well as leaving you with low energy and feeling out of breath.

Most doctors don’t understand this adult asthma is part of a rapidly growing pandemic spreading around the world. And, therefore, they have no idea how to treat it properly.

I’m talking about Syndrome Zero — the biggest health crisis of our time. Researchers confirmed Syndrome Zero doesn’t just add weight to your abdomen…

Fat also builds up in the walls of your airways, altering the structure of your lungs, inflaming them and severely restricting your ability to breathe and absorb oxygen.

When these researchers studied lung samples from 52 overweight people, they made a startling discovery…1

Using dyes to help them see, they found the lungs of these subjects contained a buildup of fatty deposits, which restricted the flow of air in and out of the lungs, making it more difficult to breathe.

The cause of fatty lungs is a carb-heavy modern diet that causes your pancreas to release too much insulin. These high insulin levels force your body to pack on the pounds through the conversion of carbs into fat.

Previous studies established that insulin overload damages the structure of the lungs, especially the main bronchial tubes and the small airways that branch off from the bronchi.2

At the same time, excess insulin causes a reduction in lung capacity. This means your lungs may not be able to provide your organs and tissues with enough oxygen to function adequately.

The good news is you can reverse the effects — and basically “lose weight” in your lungs.

The fastest and best way to reverse the effects of insulin overload on your lungs is my PACE exercise program.

Lose Weight In Your Lungs

With PACE, you stretch your lungs and increase their capacity to hold oxygen.

PACE builds your lung power to get more oxygen flowing throughout your body. Studies show it works 18 times better than the kind of walking your doctor might suggest. It gets 400% more oxygen to your lungs and 331% more oxygen to your heart.3

PACE also attacks Syndrome Zero directly by boosting glucose uptake and lowering high blood sugar.4
The best part is, it doesn’t matter what kind of shape you’re in when you start. PACE can be done by anyone in any condition. And it only takes 12 minutes a day.

Squats are a great way to start. They’re simple, but give your lungs a real workout:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Squat as far as possible, bringing your arms forward parallel to the floor.
  3. Return to standing position.
  4. Repeat. Lean forward to work your buttocks and straighten up to work your thighs.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

1. Elliot JG, et al. “Fatty airways: Implications for obstructive disease.” Eur Respir J. 2019;54(6):1900857.
2. Singh S, et al. “Hyperinsulinemia adversely affects lung structure and function.” Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2016;310(9):L837-L845.
3. Adapted from: von Ardenne, M. Oxygen Multistep Therapy. Thieme. 1990. p. 144.
4. Keshel TE and Coker RH. “Exercise training and insulin resistance: A current review.” J Obes Weight Loss Ther. 2015;5(0 5):S5-003.