Boost Your Thyroid Health With Natural Supplements

Your thyroid is under constant attack, and traditional doctors don’t have a clue how to fix it.

In fact, most physicians don’t even recognize the problem in the first place — especially when it comes to men. And that makes thyroid disease the most under-diagnosed condition in the country.

I’ve seen this play out for decades: People see a traditional doctor and get a thyroid test that measures levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

When doctors see a “normal” result, they’ll tell you there’s “nothing wrong” when you actually have a form of hypothyroidism.

But not the form you might think.

You could be one of the millions of misdiagnosed Americans with a perfectly functioning thyroid gland with an overlooked thyroid condition.

You see, the test result was correct. There really is nothing wrong with your thyroid.

You are likely to be suffering from a common but largely unrecognized condition called type-2 hypothyroidism — one of the most ignored, misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated conditions in America.

Unlike “classic” under-active thyroid, type-2 is a condition in which your thyroid gland still produces normal amounts of thyroid hormone — but your cells and tissues have become resistant to it.

Much in the same way diabetics suffer from insulin resistance.

You may be suffering from some of the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction and not realize what you have.

Universal symptoms include fatigue, heart palpitations, depression, excessive cold or sweating, aching joints, trouble concentrating, brain fog, and weight gain or loss for no reason.

But each gender has unique symptoms.

It’s not a coincidence that type-2 hypothyroidism has reached epidemic proportions in recent decades.

I’ve been sounding the alarm bells over how household chemicals are causing a health crisis for decades. I’ve also seen the rise of thyroid disease in my own practice.

More than 30

million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, and up to 60% – 13 million people – have no idea they have it.

Standard thyroid-function blood tests measure only TSH levels. This makes it easy to diagnose type-1 hypothyroidism. But if you have type-2, your TSH levels are likely to be “normal.”

Doctors are usually baffled by the “normal” TSH levels and immediately rule out a thyroid problem or simply treat it as type-1 hypothyroidism, or even hyperthyroidism, the overactive thyroid condition.

The problem here is an excessive reliance on lab results only — and ignoring the symptoms right in front of them.

The only blood test that can offer a clue to type-2 hypothyroidism is the test for elevated T3 levels in your bloodstream because the problem with type-2 is that T3 hormones can’t bind to any cellular receptors.

You need to ask for this test.

Unfortunately, it’s another opportunity for misdiagnoses. High T3 levels are normally a sign of hyperthyroidism or over-active thyroid — the opposite of hypothyroidism.

But the main problem isn’t the thyroid itself. Your thyroid is fine. The problem is with the receptors in the cells and tissues that can’t receive the thyroid’s signals.

Prescribing harmful Big Pharma medications, like Synthroid for an under-active thyroid or methimazole for an overactive thyroid, won’t solve the problem.

Supplement To Boost Thyroid Health

At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, I treat thyroid dysfunction with a combination of natural supplements that boost thyroid health. Here’s what I recommend:

    1. Supplement With Korean Ginseng. This ancient herb belongs to a special class of plants called adaptogens, which help your body adapt and repair. Studies show that Korean ginseng works on thyroid repair by reducing levels of inactive T3 hormone (rT3). The problem with excess rT3 is that it binds to T3 receptors and inhibits regular T3, thereby reducing vital metabolic activity in your cells.1,2 Korean ginseng is sometimes sold as Asian, Chinese, or Panax ginseng. There are 11 different species of ginseng, so don’t confuse Korean ginseng with other forms, like American or Siberian. Take 200 mg to 500 mg a day.
    2. Discover Irish Moss. This red seaweed found on the shores of Ireland contains the thyroid hormone precursor Diiodothyronine (DIT), as well as the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. It’s also extremely high in the trace element iodine. You can’t make thyroid hormones without high enough levels of iodine. Irish moss is also packed with more than 90 minerals, including zinc, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and selenium — all crucial elements your body must have to ensure a balanced thyroid. Look for raw Irish moss online. If you buy it dried, soak it for a few hours in water to rinse away any sand that may be present. Supplements are also available. I suggest taking up to 1,200 mg two or three times a day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Dai X, et al. “Effect of ginseng injection in treating congestive heart failure and its influence on thyroid hormones.” Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi.;19(4):209-11.
2. Jin H, et al. “Pharmacokinetic comparison of ginsenoside metabolite IH-901 from fermented and non-fermented ginseng in healthy Korean volunteers.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2012 Jan 31;139(2):664-7.