Is Your Brain Health At Risk?

Despite the doom and gloom dogma being doled out by conventional medicine, most types of dementia – even Alzheimer’s – can be prevented. In many cases it can even be reversed – if it’s caught early enough.

That’s good news. But so often, by the time these debilitating conditions are identified, brain decline may have already become advanced.

Today, researchers have found a better and faster way to identify Brain Deficiency Syndrome.

A groundbreaking study published in the September issue of Science has revealed that an easy telomere test on whole blood – the kind you give with a simple blood sample – can provide important clues about your risk and the progress of brain deterioration.1

As a regular reader, you already know telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of your chromosomes. They’re like the plastic tips on your shoelaces that keep your DNA from unraveling. The longer your telomeres are, the younger your cells behave; the shorter they get, the more vulnerable you are to “old age” and the so-called “diseases of aging.”

Scientists have known for years that shorter telomeres on immune system cells called leukocytes in brain tissue are closely associated with Alzheimer’s and almost every other form of dementia.2 The problem is that accessing these brain-tissue leukocytes requires a brain biopsy, a risky surgical procedure that involves removing a small piece of brain tissue.

But now researchers from the University of Chicago have discovered that telomere length in blood cells closely mirrors telomere length in brain-tissue leukocytes.

This is a huge breakthrough, because it means a simple blood sample can now give you early warning of dementia… and it means you have time to do something about it.

One of the best ways to begin fighting any form of Brain Deficiency Syndrome is to

infuse your brain tissue with oxygen. You see, oxygen is your brain’s number one “need” if you want to think clearly and keep your brain cells functioning optimally.

I recommend my patients begin their therapy at home with these easy-to-get nutrients:

1) Eat More Beets: Consuming this nutrition-packed vegetable is a great way to increase oxygen intake in your brain. Beets boost your body’s production of nitric oxide (NO), a key molecule that sends “blood flow signals” that relax arterial walls, dilate the blood vessels, and improve the flow of blood and oxygen supply throughout your body.

Studies show NO is a powerful dementia-fighter. Beets also contain luteolin, which studies show protect brain cells from free radical damage and inflammation.3,4

Throw chopped beets in salads and stews. You can also juice beets. If possible, use organic beets and include roots, fruit and the leaves. Get organic beet juice in supermarkets and health food stores.

2) Supplement With Vinpocetine: This derivative of the periwinkle plant has been used in Europe as a brain booster for centuries. It increases blood circulation in the brain by zeroing in on your brain’s blood vessels, so they deliver oxygen more efficiently.

Since it keeps your brain cells charged up with high oxygen levels, it increases the amount of time your brain can go without fresh oxygen. That means it keeps brain cells from dying.

I recommend 20 mg a day.

3) Take DMG (Dimethylglycine): Studies show DMG improves cognition in areas like attention, thought construction, sensory and motor speed, as well as memory – and it works by helping your brain to use oxygen better.5

Your body naturally produces DMG in small amounts – but as you get older, you often can’t produce enough. You see, DMG is a methyl donor, one of the most important nutrient classes used to synthesize vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, DNA, RNA and antibodies.

You can buy DMG capsules and caplets, but don’t waste your money. DMG pills that you eat don’t work. Instead, use a sublingual (under the tongue) form of DMG at 125 mg per day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

1 Demanelis K, et al. “Determinants of telomere length across human tissues.” Science, 2020; 369 (6509): eaaz6876.
2 Forero DA, et al. “Meta-analysis of Telomere Length in Alzheimer’s Disease.” The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences vol. 71,8 (2016): 1069-73.
3 Zhu LH, et al. “Luteolin inhibits microglial inflammation and improves neuron survival against inflammation.” Int J Neurosci. 2011 Jun;121(6):329-36.
4 Lerman, A, et al. “Long-term L-arginine supplementation improves small-vessel coronary endothelial function in humans.” Circulation. 1998; 97: 2123-2128.
5 Eussen SJ. “The association of betaine, homocysteine and related metabolites with cognitive function in Dutch elderly people.” Br J Nutr. 2007 Nov;98(5):960-8.