Breakthrough Fat Buster Gets Rid of Your Belly Fat for Good

I read a study back in December about a promising new weight loss supplement. Within days I had a dozen sample bottles. As the Christmas holiday approached, I already had a few volunteers.

One my patients – Arlene H. – started taking this weight loss herb on December 18, 2008. Just a couple months later, I received a letter from her.

“I’m always interested in your new formulas so I was excited – although a bit skeptical – to hear about this new weight loss herb from Africa. I started taking it right before the holidays, so I was probably eating more than I normally do, but I noticed an effect within a few weeks. My hips and waist started to feel tighter.

Luckily, after about 7 or 8 weeks I didn’t need them anymore. I slimmed down and in spite of all the holiday food, I got back into my favorite Capri pants… Even better, my “fat jeans” started to slide right off me… it feels like a real victory. But honestly, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t change the way I eat and I didn’t really exercise…I know the trial was only for ten weeks, but can I keep going? I don’t want to give up this new fat loss secret… who would?!”

Arlene H., Wellington, FL

This is a typical response. Everyone who tries it has something good to say about it… And when they run out, they always want more. No one wants to stop taking it.

Here’s the deal. You don’t have to count calories. You don’t need to exercise. And, it will work even if you don’t change your diet at all.

A safe, natural extract holds the key. I’ve known of its mega-slimming potential from past animal studies,1 but modern science couldn’t get it to work in humans.

Now we’ve found a way. This stuff gets you slim and lean by transforming your body.

It’s called Irvingia gabonensis, a fruit native to Africa. Among the locals, it goes by various names: the African mango, wild mango, or bush mango.

For centuries, village elders told tales of its magical power to keep warriors lean and strong. Turns out they were right.

Drop 28 lbs. in 10 Weeks with This Breakthrough Plant Extract

In a controlled clinical trial, scientists in Cameroon looked at the effect of Irvingia seed extract on 100 men and women.2 Some were at a normal weight… some were obese.

They split the groups in two, with one getting Irvingia and the other a sugar pill.

By the end of the ten weeks, the Irvingia group lost an average of 28 lbs. The other group lost a measly three pounds.

All the Irvingia group had to do was take 150 mg of extract twice a day on an empty stomach—a half hour before lunch and a half hour before dinner.

They made absolutely no other lifestyle changes. They ate to their hearts’ content and exercised exactly as much (or as little) as they had before.

Their waistlines faded away, too. Check out this table:*


Control group

Irvingia group

Waist Size Decrease



Fat Loss



Source: Lipids in Health and in Disease

As you can see in the table, the group taking Irvingia shrunk their waste by an average of 16.2% and lost a stunning 18.4% of fat.

Clearly, the science shows that this stuff makes fat disappear.

Results from this groundbreaking study also showed Irvingia improves several crucial biomarkers of health, including:

  • Better total cholesterol – bringing HDL and LDL into healthy balance
  • Lower C-reactive protein – an indicator of inflammation, the culprit behind heart disease and just about every other chronic health problem
  • Lower blood sugar – the key to warding off diabetes

The secret behind Irvingia’s extraordinary power has to do with how you gain weight in the first place.

Reset Your Fat Switch

Normally you think of packing on the pounds as something that happens when you overeat. Turns out it’s not so simple.

In reality, you gain weight through an intricate set of processes involving certain hormones. They determine how much fat you put on or burn off.

With Irvingia, these hormones can be controlled, safely and naturally, to stimulate spontaneous weight loss.

Here’s how:

In order to store energy, your fat cells have two options: they can get bigger or they divide and increase in number.

Fat cells “get fatter” by taking on more triglycerides, the usable form of fat your body needs for energy. “Well-fed” fat cells can grow in volume up to 1000 percent.

There are several key hormones that regulate fat cell growth and division. Think of them as your fat-burning switches.

Two of the most important are adiponectin and leptin. Oddly enough, your fat cells actually make them. That means that unlike a lot of other hormones, they DO NOT decrease with age.3

This is one reason why people get fatter as they get older, while a lot of younger people don’t gain weight no matter how much they eat.

Adiponectin and leptin send command signals that determine how big your fat cells get  and how often they divide. They also control your blood sugar levels—and how much of that sugar gets stored as fat.

Adiponectin is a wonder substance. Numerous studies have shown that it has the power to:4,5

  • Preserve the health of your arteries
  • Protect against inflammation
  • Prevent diabetes

It sends out signals that control your body’s insulin sensitivity. As you know, insulin is one of the keys to diabetes, since it tells your body how blood sugar turns into fat. If you become insulin resistant, your blood sugar shoots through the roof… and you’ve got diabetes.

Adiponectin keeps this from happening.

Leptin is the hormone that tells your brain when you’ve had enough to eat, giving you that “full” feeling. It also shrinks your fat cells by burning off their triglyceride stores.6

You’d think that since both of these fat commanders are made by the fat cells themselves, they’d simply keep you lean throughout your life, especially as you gain weight.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. That’s because fat cells also throw off C-reactive protein (CRP), one of the indicators for system-wide inflammation—and a risk factor for heart attack.

CRP binds to leptin, canceling out its fat-burning effect and making you “leptin-resistant.” In fact, fat people have a lot higher levels of leptin circulating in their blood, because they’ve developed a resistance to it.

That means that if you hit a certain weight, you stop getting leptin’s “full” feeling. You also stop burning off the triglycerides stored in your fat cells. They just keep on growing and dividing. This is a weight-gain double whammy.

Irvingia extract brings adiponectin and leptin levels into healthy balance all on its own. It has the mysterious power to flip on the switch that regulates their production.

In the latest Irvingia study it produced:7

  • 160 percent increase in adiponectin,
  • 49 percent decrease in leptin
  • 52 percent decrease in CRP
  • 22 percent drop in blood sugar

With Irvingia, you can change your internal switches for fat loss … and start shedding pounds automatically.

I’m working on my own Irvingia formula. It’s a pure, high-quality extract.

Plus, I’ve added other fat-busting ingredients to make dropping the pounds even easier. Stay tuned, I’ll be telling you more when it’s available.

  1. See Ngondi et al. “Irvingia gabonensis on body weight and blood lipids in normolipidemic guinea pigs.” Journal of Food Technology. 2005. 3(4):472-474; and Omoruyi F, Adamson I. “Digestive and hepatic enzymes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats fed supplements of dikanut (Irvingia gabonensis) and cellulose.” Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 1993. 37(1):14-23.
  2. Ngondi et al. “IGOB131, a novel seed extract of the West African plant Irvingia gabonensis, significantly reduces body weight…” Lipids in Health and in Disease. Published online March 2, 2009
  3. See Sinha MK, Caro JF. “Clinical aspects of leptin.” Vitamins and Hormones. 1998. 54:1-30. Philip J. Scarpace, Nihal Tümer. “Leptin Resistance with Age-Related Obesity.” Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine. 2000. 3(2):183-189; and “Plasma Adiponectin and Leptin Levels, Body Composition, and Glucose Utilization in Adult Women With Wide Ranges of Age and Obesity.” Diabetes Care. 2003. 26:2383-2388.
  4. Pajvani et al. “Structure-function studies of the adipocyte-secreted hormone Acrp30/adiponectin…” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2003. 278(11):9073-85.
  5. Okui et al. “Adiponectin is a better predictor of endothelial function of the coronary artery than ….” International Journal of Cardiology. 2008. 126(1):53-61.
  6. Jéquier E. “Leptin signaling, adiposity, and energy balance.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2002. 967:379-88.
  7. See endnote 2.