Brush Your Teeth with CBD for better health

If you are like a lot of people – including many of my patients and even some of my family members – you don’t like going to the dentist.

But taking care of your mouth and gums is one of the most important things you can do for good health.

Your mouth is home to more than 100 billion healthy bacteria. But, think about what happens if you develop tooth decay or gum disease…

Before long, your entire body is under attack by harmful bacteria that spread from your infected gums to your bloodstream.

This causes severe inflammation wherever the bacteria go. This inflammation can lead to heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and more.

Getting rid of these bad bacteria – and the inflammation they cause – is key to good health.

So I was excited to read a new study found using CBD resulted in 262% fewer bacteria than brushing with Colgate or Oral B.1

Here’s a quick look at five important benefits of using CBD for your oral health.

    • Eliminates bad bacteria. For years, we were told that we needed to rinse with mouthwash to kill the bacteria that formed in our mouths. But now we know that not all bacteria are bad – and mouthwash kills the good bugs and the bad. But, research from the National Institutes of Health found that CBD can eradicate the two main bacteria that cause tooth decay, Streptococcus mutans, and Streptococcus sobrinus.2
    • Helps prevent tooth decay. When teeth decay, cavities form, and swelling occurs. CBD has been shown to strengthen and increase bone growth, and the same may be true when it comes to slowing or even potentially reversing minor tooth decay.
    • Reduces the risk of gum disease. Gingivitis, or gum disease, is a serious infection that damages the soft tissue in your mouth. You can have symptoms like inflammation, soreness, and bleeding in the early stages. Without treatment, it progresses to periodontitis and destroys the bones that support your teeth. Periodontitis is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Studies show CBD can counteract the inflammation that leads to gum disease.3
    • Relieves pain. CBD can help whether you have a toothache or struggle with hot and cold sensitivity. Because it calms pain receptors in the central nervous system, its anti-inflammatory properties work quickly to numb a toothache. Remember, pain and inflammation are symptoms of a more serious problem that requires a visit to the dentist if it persists. If you have an aching tooth, you want immediate relief. I recommend rubbing a tiny amount of CBD oil directly on the affected area. The pain-relieving effect should kick in within 15 minutes. It will last up to a few hours.

And here’s an added bonus…

CBD also banishes any anxiety you feel if you do need dental work. One recent study determined that 79% of patients who took CBD for one month experienced reduced anxiety levels.4

Use CBD To Protect Your Mouth And Improve Oral Health

I recommend adding CBD to your oral healthcare routine. There are a lot of CBD toothpastes on the market. But, I suggest you make your own using high-quality CBD oil. That way, you know exactly what’s going into your mouth.

  • 3 Tbsp organic baking soda
  • 3 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 Tsp peppermint or cinnamon oil
  • 20 drops full spectrum CBD oil
  • 1 tsp xylitol (sweetens and prevents dental decay)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Pour into a small glass jar and seal. Use a clean spoon to place a bit on your toothbrush twice a day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. Stahl V, Vasudevan K. “Comparison of efficacy of cannabinoids versus commercial oral care products in reducing bacterial content from the dental plaque: a preliminary observation.” Cureus. 2020 Jan 29;12(1):e6809.
2. Van Klingeren B, Ham M. “Antibacterial activity of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol.” Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 1976;42(1-2):9-12.
3. Nakajima Y, et al. “Endocannabinoid, anandamide in gingival tissue regulates the periodontal inflammation through NF-kappaB pathway inhibition.” FEBS Lett. 2006 Jan 23;580(2):613-9.
4. Shannon S, et al. “Cannabidiol in anxiety and sleep: a large case series.” Perm J. 2019; 23: 18-041.