Build a Photo Memory…

Dear Reader,

A few weeks ago a friend brought me something new called Photo Reading. It’s a program designed to help you read faster with greater comprehension. But it’s not speed-reading. It gets you to use more of your brain… more of the capacity that’s waiting to be tapped.

Think of it as a “whole brain” activity. You use both the left (logical) and right (creative) sides of your brain. When fired simultaneously you get amazing results.

Claire tells me that people who finish the course can read up to 25,000 words a minute. Imagine how much reading you could handle at those speeds? It’s a very exciting prospect.

Claire gave me a copy of the program as a gift and I eagerly took it home to have a closer look. I was skeptical at first… 25,000 words a minute sounds a little outrageous. But having tried the program, I can see how it’s possible.

One of the core techniques is “photographing” what you see on the page – all at once. You actually train your brain to take a picture of the words on a page. This enables you to go through a book as fast as you can turn the pages.

The other techniques help you take all that information and use it. It’s a completely different way of thinking and using your brain. It’s both innovative and fascinating.

Part of the program includes a memory booster. It’s a simple and effective way of remembering what you read. This easy-to-learn technique is similar to something I used back in medical school. They call it “mind mapping.”

You can try it right now. Get a sheet of blank paper and some colored markers.

Let’s say you wanted to memorize my PACE program… In the middle of the page you draw a circle and write the word “PACE.” Around that word – and with a different color marker – you draw another circle and write the core concepts of the book. In this case, you might write, “short bursts of intensity,” “12 minutes” and “oxygen debt.”

Then coming out of that circle you draw a curved line, like you’re drawing the pedal of a flower. (Use a different color.) On that line you write one of the chapter names. Let’s take chapter 3 as an example… Write “Jumpstart Your PACE Now!” on the line coming out of the circle.

Coming off the main line, you draw smaller lines, like the veins in the leaf of a plant. On those lines you write the key points of chapter 3 like “adaptive response,” “recovery,” and “greater fitness in less time.”

When you use both parts of your brain at the same time, you’re able to remember the contents of an entire book – just by creating a picture of it.

This mind mapping techniques has dozens of applications. It’s not just for books. You can use it to remember recipes, names, schedules, you name it.

It’s really captured my imagination. And it’s already ramped up my reading power. I can’t wait to get through more of the course.

If you want to find out more about Photo Reading – and I highly recommend it – click HERE.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD