Your Body's Scheduled Checks

Health Alert 69 You need to inspect and safeguard your health on a regular basis. In this Health Alert I’ll show you what kind of health checks you should get …

Letters from You

Health Alert 80 It has now been a year since I’ve started to write these Health Alert letters. I have been surprised and overwhelmed with the response of you, the …

Joints Ache? Try This Ancient Remedy

Health Alert 92 If you’ve been suffering from swelling, pain, and stiffness in your joints any relief is welcome. But many prescription drug solutions create additional problems for you. Today …

How to Get Better With Age

Health Alert 98 Today, I want you to take the most important step for a virile and youthful life. It will keep your body going strong for years to come. …

From the Inside Out?

Health Alert 109 Your habits in the kitchen could be making you older. Eating foods cooked at high temperatures can speed up your pace of aging and cause you to …

Botox: No Longer Just For Beauty

Health Alert 111 Could you end migraines, prostate problems, and muscle spasms with just a prick of a needle? That’s what some new studies using Botox are suggesting. We are …

Eat Less, Live Longer

Health Alert 139 Do you have aspirations of living to 100 years old and beyond? There is an undercurrent of research that supports you in achieving your longevity ambitions. New …

51 Scientists Attack Anti-Aging Therapies

Health Alert 151 I’m used to the conservative medical community criticizing my practice. I don’t promote prescription drugs. I use many alternatives in my practice. I’m an easy target, but …

Could Stress Be Killing You?

Health Alert 155 Stress is the result of resisting reality1. As we have discussed in previous Health Alerts (HA 39 & HA 47), stress is dangerous to your health. Stress …