How can you promote good health?

Think about your last few doctor’s appointments… How many times did your physician actually sit down and talk with you about the best ways to prevent getting sick in the …

Alternative Medicines

It’s a staggering number even for Big Pharma… The number of physicians that pharmaceutical companies paid half a million dollars or more to skyrocketed 11,000% in a span of less …

How pure is your CBD?

Many of my patients use CBD to help them sleep because not only is it highly effective – it’s safe and natural. So, I was dismayed with the latest research …

How can you reduce the risk of disease?

Your hunter-gatherer ancestors enjoyed a kind of strength and immunity from disease that’s almost unheard of today. Their secret was inside their gut. Now, a landmark study from Harvard Medical …

Natural Antibiotic Alternative

When we had strep throat as kids, my brothers, sister, and I were given a spoonful of penicillin then sent to bed. We stayed home from school for a couple …

Can Hearing loss be reversed?

Your ears weren’t designed to deal with the extreme noises and nutrition deficiencies of our modern world. Before long, it takes a toll on the delicate inner workings of your …