Debunking the Low Fat Myth

The medical establishment’s worst nightmare has come true. Not only were they wrong about what caused the biggest health problem in America, but their recommended solution actually made the problem worse. The American Heart Association claims that the path to good health is a low-fat diet. This is exactly the wrong advice. What’s worse it’s dangerous.

A low-fat diet is a prescription for losing vital muscle and turning your body into flab. When you eat low fat, you neglect the most important nutrient, protein. Even worse, low fat diets are loaded with the real saboteur of modern diets, processed carbohydrates.

It’s time to put an end to counting calories and grams of fat. I’m going to show you:

· Why avoiding dietary fat is dangerous
· Why carbohydrates increase your body fat
· How protein makes you strong, lean and disease resistant

If you want to live a long, healthy life, forget about the modern recommendations to eat like a rabbit. Instead, eat the foods you were born to eat. You have a natural desire for them. Losing weight will come easier and faster. And you will wake up charged with energy that will last the whole day.

I’ve helped hundreds of people use this approach. I’ve watched them make a remarkable transition. They becoming lean, healthy and disease free.

Certain Fats Are Essential to Every Cell in your Body

Many people know that there are certain fats that the human body cannot manufacture. You must consume them in your diet or you will suffer disease. That’s why we call them essential fatty acids. But there are many other reasons low fat intake itself can be detrimental. Fat is critical to help you absorb vitamins. The fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K and coenzyme CoQ10 are not absorbed without fat.

What’s more, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that low-fat diets were associated with 20% lower calcium absorption than higher-fat diets.

The State University of New York at Buffalo, meanwhile, found that people who eat low-fat diets develop weaker immune systems.

Another study found that people eating very low-fat diets (14% fat) showed no improvement in body composition, blood sugar levels, insulin levels, or blood pressure levels. The study’s author called low-fat diets “counterproductive” to health.

The Origins of the Modern Dietary Nightmare

About 10,000 years ago, people began to domesticate plants and animals. There was a gradual switch from hunting and gathering to husbandry and farming. These could support a larger population. Quality was traded for quantity. This was the start of the Agricultural Revolution.

Archaeologists can identify the Agricultural Revolution in the fossil record. Through skeletal remain, they have found that farming communities were more malnourished and disease-ridden than their hunter-gatherer predecessors.

Hunter-gatherer skeletons in Greece show the average height was about 5’9″. Upon the advent of agriculture, Greeks suddenly shrank to a mere 5′. Even today, the Greek population has not fully regained the height of their primitive predecessors.

The record of native people in the Illinois and Ohio River valleys also demonstrate the health consequences of agriculture.

“Archaeologists have excavated some 800 skeletons that paint a picture of the health changes that occurred when a hunter-gatherer culture gave way to intensive maize farming around A. D. 1150 … Compared to the hunter gatherers who proceeded them, the farmers had a nearly 50% increase … in malnutrition, a fourfold increase in iron-deficiency anemia …[and] a threefold rise in infectious disease.”

The record is consistent. When hunter-gatherers switched to farming, their protein intake went down and their carbohydrate intake went up. The incidence of malnutrition and diseases rose in every case I can find.

Over-consumption of Carbohydrate Gets Worse

In 1977, a Senate Committee led by George McGovern released its “Dietary Goals for the United States”. Without real evidence, it identified fat as the culprit. They did not know that native diets contained more fat than modern diets do.

Information from The Paleo Diet (2002) by L. Cordain

The National Institutes of Health jumped on the “ban fat” wagon. In 1984, announced Americans must cut their fat intake. The food industry quickly produced a slew of “low fat” products. But without the tasty fat, the food produced was bland. High amounts of sugar became a common additive. Americans replaced fat with refined carbohydrates and sugar.

The Real Cause of American Obesity

There is no question that Americans now face a health crisis. We are too fat. But why? Any plausible answer to that question would have to explain why rates of obesity were constant at about 13% through the 60’s and 70’s then suddenly began a dramatic rise. Obesity is now at 25%. These rates began rising at the time the health authorities told us we must eat low fat. We obeyed and there was an explosion not only of obesity, but also of related diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Growing Percentage of Overweight
And Obese American Adults

Adapted from the National Center for Health Statistics

Add to this mistaken low-fat theory the reality of economics and you get a recipe for a health disaster. How much profit can you make selling an egg when everyone else can sell the exact same product? But carbs can be processed into proprietary blends. The mark-up can be much greater.

If we can divorce ourselves from the prejudice about dietary fat, it’s really quite simple. Your body controls fat building. Hormones are used to set the controls. The hormone insulin controls fat. How much insulin do you secrete in response to a fat-laden meal? Zero. Insulin is secreted in response to carbohydrate, not fat. Eat more carbohydrate and you will secrete more insulin and build more fat, all other thing
being equal.

The Solution: Using Modern Science to Emulate the Past

The good news is that fixing this mess is not as hard as you might think. Follow a few simple rules for selecting your food, and you will be able to eat better tasting foods, reduce your risk of disease, and feel more satisfied.

The Journal of Nutrition recently published a study that found that high-protein diets boost antioxidant levels, while low-protein consumption actually seemed to induce the oxidative affects of free radicals.

And don’t worry that eating meat is going to drive up your cholesterol. One recent study has proven that the incorporation of lean meat into the diet helps reduce bad LDL cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol levels. And it didn’t matter if it was white or red meat.

Your Simple Plan for Healthy Eating

Make Quality Protein the Centerpiece to Every Meal

Consume fish, lean red meat, grass-fed meats, poultry, eggs, nuts and beans.

Eat Plenty of Healthy Fats

The best fats are in cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna. All nuts but peanuts have healthy fats. Eggs and grass-fed beef have good fats. Use olive oil for cooking and avoid vegetable oils.

Avoid Processed Carbohydrates

You can make this simple – Don’t eat anything made from grains or potatoes – Period.