Doctors Often Hex Their Patients

Health Alert 229

Dear Subscriber:

The next time you go to your doctor complaining of an ache or pain, pay close attention to what happens during your visit.

Be wary if your doctor pulls out a prescription pad right off the bat. Taking drugs doesn’t just keep you from finding a cure – it can make you even sicker since many pharmaceutical drugs put a strain on your body because they are toxic to your system. Blindly accepting prescription drugs indicates that you believe that your body can’t heal itself without powerful prescription drugs.

Today I’ll show you how to break the “prescription drug” curse that’s afflicting millions of Americans every day and protect yourself from bodily harm.

* Modern Day Hex – Are You A Victim? *

Amazing as it sounds, modern day hexing exists. It all starts when you quietly accept prescriptions without considering alternatives. Or when a well-meaning doctor tells you something like, “You’ll never get that under control with just diet and exercise alone. I’ll need to prescribe something for you.”

Then you start the medication and begin having uncomfortable, irritating side effects. Before you know it, you’re on five different medications, you feel worse than before and now you’re broke.

Take Peggy for example. After suffering open heart surgery, at age 70 she developed a fatal case of ovarian cancer. Shortly after beginning treatment for her cancer, she required insulin injections for diabetes.

Given two months to a year to live, she felt powerless looking at the last few months of her life filled with months of radiation and chemotherapy treatments. She’d had enough. She quit her cancer therapies and decided to enjoy what was left of her life.

Her body, once clear of the pharmalogical toxins, regained its balance. Then she came across an all-natural herbal tea called essiac – a mix of burdock root, sheep sorrel herb, rhubarb root, and slippery elm bark. Two months later, her doctor proclaimed her cured. A few weeks later, she stopped her insulin injections. Soon she started doing what she dreamed of – traveling the country.1

It sounds incredible. But the truth is that the body is built to heal naturally.2 You just have to give it the nutrients and minerals it needs to be healthy.

* Break the Hex – And Keep Your Health, Your Sanity, and Your Wallet In Check *

Doctor and natural medicine expert Andrew Weil, M.D. calls the prescription and reliance on prescription drugs “medical hexing.”3 And I have to agree – I’ve seen too many patients cursed with the psychological, physical, and financial damage of prescription drugs.

Many patients come to me taking 11 medications or more. Some of them spend as much as $500 to a $1,000 on prescriptions a month after insurance.

Many patients suffering from everything from diabetics to high cholesterol to a terminal illness have been “cured” over time simply by:

  • Changing to a chemical-free agrarian diet – one low in carbs and high in proteins (if it doesn’t occur in nature – don’t eat it),

  • Adding 10 to 20 minutes of exercise every day,

  • Adding herbal extracts and whole-food supplements, and

  • Believing in their own right to seek natural alternatives to modern medicine.

Curing illness takes time and excellent care. But it only takes one thing to break the hex your doctor’s cursed you with – daily action. And you can start that today.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears MD


1. Cancer Hope Reborn, The Vancouver Sun by Mia Stainsby, May 16, 1992

2. What Doctors Should Know, Body & Soul, September 2004

3. What Doctors Should Know, Body & Soul, September 2004