Does CBD Treat Alzheimer’s?

Big Pharma and the federal government throw billions of dollars into flawed and ineffective Alzheimer’s drugs…

But as it turns out, there’s one “drug” that they’ve declared war on. They’ve been trying to keep it out of your hands for decades, even though it shows the most promise for treating dementia patients.

I’m Talking About CBD From Cannabis

A breakthrough study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, reports that supplementing with a two-week course of high-dose CBD can restore the function of two proteins associated with reducing and even eliminating amyloid-beta plaque accumulation in the brain.

These proteins, called TREM2 and IL-33, play an important role in the brain’s ability to clear away and destroy dead cells and other debris like the beta-amyloid plaque that builds up in patients’ brains.

Levels of both of these proteins are diminished in patients with Alzheimer’s.

But high doses of CBD increased the IL-33 protein by 7-fold and increased TREM2 levels 10-fold in mouse models.

The same high CBD dose also reduced levels of the immune protein IL-6. This protein is associated with the high inflammation levels found in Alzheimer’s brains.

When these protein levels became normalized after the two-week trial, cognitive ability greatly improved.

According to the study’s author, this is the first treatment that actually addresses the structural and functional changes in Alzheimer’s brains.

For this study, the mice were injected with CBD every two days for two weeks.

But the researchers are hoping to develop a delivery system, like an inhaler, that can easily and effectively transport CBD directly to a patient’s brain.

This research backs up an earlier study that found the THC in marijuana can remove beta-amyloid plaque from brain cells and eliminate the inflammatory response caused by the protein.1

And in another groundbreaking study, a team from

Neuroscience Research Australia found that CBD oil promotes the growth and development of brain cells. This in turn reduces the decline of memory and other brain functions.2

The study involved giving CBD oil to mice that were bred to have Alzheimer’s-like symptoms. These mice showed “drastic improvement” on tests relating to memory and recognition. The animals also started to perform like healthy animals again.

CBD helps to protect you from dementia because it can interact with and influence receptors in your brain called the cannabinoid system.

Cannabinoids are natural chemicals first discovered in the 1940s. Not until the 1980s, however, have scientists known that cannabinoids work with receptors that allow them to attach and permeate the blood-brain barrier.

Especially in the most important part of your brain — the hippocampus.

This tiny horseshoe-shaped organ controls both your short-term and long-term memory. It’s key for everything from learning how to tie your shoe to recalling your treasured childhood memories.

Studies have found that the hippocampus is one of the first areas in the brain damaged by Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Now your hippocampus is wired with an abundance of cannabinoid receptors. CBD binds to these receptors and then reduces oxidative stress caused by inflammation. Acting as a potent antioxidant, CBD oil safeguards brain cells against further damage and degeneration.

Treating Your Brain with CBD

The researchers from the Medical College of Georgia used high doses of CBD in their study. But if you are giving CBD to a dementia patient who hasn’t used it before, I suggest starting out low and building up.

I recommend starting with 5 mg daily for the first week. But don’t be surprised if you don’t feel any effects until you reach about 30 mg per dose.

When you buy a CBD product, it’s crucial that you check the concentrations.

After all, you’ll want to know just how much CBD is actually in the product. To work this out, you can look at the milligrams (mg) of CBD, which should be clearly listed on the label.

Don’t be misled by the “total volume” of oil. The milligrams of CBD are what counts. Here’s a weight guide that will help to determine your dosage:

The right dosage all depends on your health and your body. Experiment to find out what works best for you.

1 Salk News. “Cannabinoids remove plaque-forming Alzheimer’s proteins from brain cells.” June 27, 2016.
2 Watt G and Karl T. “In vivo evidence for therapeutic properties of cannabidiol (CBD) for Alzheimer’s disease.” Front Pharmacol. 2017;8:20. Published online 2017 Feb 3.