Drugs Can Cause Weight Gain

The world’s top drug companies generate billions making drugs that will never heal your underlying condition.

After all, their business model is based on the “profitable management” of disease.

Now, it turns out the very same drugs cause obesity.

True story.

A new study from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), found nearly 25% of Americans are taking what they call “obesogenic drugs.” These are drugs that cause weight gain by interfering with your hormones.1

Of course, the drugs that cause the most weight gain are also the most popular and most widely prescribed:

  • Glucocorticoids — Allergies and anti-inflammatories
  • Beta-blockers — Blood pressure
  • Antihistamines — Allergies
  • Antidepressants — Depression and anxiety
  • Antipsychotics — Depression and anxiety
  • Antidiabetics — Blood sugar and diabetes
  • Contraceptives — Pregnancy

The #1 Overlooked Alternative for Diabetics

I give my patients dozens of recommendations for natural alternatives to prescription drugs. Here’s one for diabetes: Chromium.

This mineral controls insulin sensitivity. Without enough chromium, insulin can’t work properly. Today, almost 90% of American adults are chromium-deficient, despite the fact that chromium is in many foods including brewer’s yeast, meats, potato skins, cheeses, molasses and fresh fruits and vegetables.

I recommend supplementing. But you can’t take just any kind of chromium. Some types may actually do more harm than good. Research shows that your chromium supplement needs to include niacin to be effective.

Look for chromium polynicotinate or niacin-bound chromium, which are both safe and effective as a dietary supplement. Most supplements have too low a dose to help cure diabetes. I recommend a robust dose of 400 mcg every day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

1. Zoler ML. “Nearly 25% of U.S. adults take an obesogenic drug.” Clinical Endocrinol News. January 3, 2020.