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Healing Herbs of Paradise
In Healing Herbs of Paradise, you’ll find treatments and cures for everyday problems like thinning hair to more serious health concerns like high blood pressure, poor sexual performance, hardening of the arteries and even cancer.
Download a copy of this massive 300-page book today! Your hardcover copy will ship as soon as it’s available.
This oversized coffee table book is full of beautiful, colorful photos, entertaining stories, and recipes and treatments you can prepare easily at home.
This incredible book shows you EXACTLY how the healers of a remote, exotic island routinely cure the diseases that claim millions of American lives. Learn how to:
- Stop Alzheimer’s in its tracks
- Reverse the aging process
- Treat diabetes, COPD and more
Healing Herbs of Paradise is one of my proudest accomplishments. It’s the most complete book available on the hidden secrets of Bali — straight from the heart of the jungle. And now I am free to share all this valuable health information with you!
Hardback Book: Your beautiful hardbound copy will ship right away.
Plus your BONUS FREE E-Book Copy: Immediate Download Adobe Acrobat Reader required
Price: $59.95

Treat 619 Diseases with this $1 Pill!
Asia’s Wonder Spice: The $1 Cure for Every Disease… Without Side Effects shows how YOU can use this inexpensive Asian spice to make disease and side effects from prescription drugs a distant memory!
Download your in-depth report today!
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn:
- Which spice has kept rural North Indian villages from almost ever developing Alzheimer’s;
- How the same spice targets the ROOT cause of 98% of all diseases — including heart disease, cancer and MORE;
- New scientific breakthroughs that make this spice up to 800% more powerful;
- Exactly what kind of this spice to take and at what dose to unlock the most disease-curing potential!
A pill made from this spice could be the last pill you ever have to take. Asia’s Wonder Spice: The $1 Cure for Every Disease… Without Side Effects could be the key to leaving your prescriptions behind and living your healthiest, most active life!
E-Book: Immediate Download Adobe Acrobat Reader required
Price: $19.95 (e-book)

EXPOSED: From the Files of… Health Confidential

Reclaim Your Health Freedom and BEAT Big Pharma!
EXPOSED: From the Files of… Health Confidential reveals secrets you can use RIGHT AWAY to treat disease — naturally and without side effects.
Get your HARDCOVER, 518-page copy today!
Here’s just a tiny glimpse of the secrets you’ll uncover:
- The 12-minute cure for heart disease and congestive heart failure;
- How to kick osteoporosis to the curb and build bones of steel;
- How modern “health food” is making you sick, and why steak and eggs are a much better idea;
- How to beat diabetes in three simple steps WITHOUT risky drugs;
- The original cancer medicine, and new strategies for keeping cancer out of your body for good;
- And MUCH more.
Dr. Sears has traveled around the world to bring you the TRUTH about your health.
EXPOSED: From the Files of… Health Confidential compiles his most powerful and exciting discoveries in ONE place so YOU can take your health back from Big Pharma, Big Agra and mainstream medicine.
Price: $39.95

Groundbreaking New Discoveries: 12 Natural Ways to Stimulate Your Cells to Grow Younger
Now for the first time, Dr. Sears reveals the 12 nutrients you can use RIGHT NOW to begin creating a “younger version” of yourself by activating your “fountain of youth” gene. These are the most effective, most affordable and easy-to-find telomerase activators he uses with his patients.
Groundbreaking New Discoveries
Price: $29.95 (e-book)

The “Fountain of Youth” Breakthrough Smarter, Stronger, Better In as Little as One Month

Now for the first time you can tap the remarkable power of your telomeres and the age-reversing enzyme that helps maintain them. These strategies are proven ways to use the secrets formerly locked in your DNA that could help you live disease-free for the rest of your life.
The “Fountain of Youth” Breakthrough
Price: $29.95 (e-book)

12 Secrets to Virility
Get back all the strength, potency and ambition you had as a young man! In my 198-page best-seller, you’ll find the man-building strategies I use with my male patients to help them reclaim the energy, drive and muscle of their younger days.
12 Secrets to Virility
Price: $19.95 (e-book)

The 7 Pillars of a Long and Healthy Life
Learn to nourish your body so you can stay young, radiant, and healthy, no matter what your age. These strategies are safe, effective, and completely natural. Don’t wait…start your journey toward a healthier, longer, and more energetic life, beginning today!
The 7 Pillars of a Long and Healthy Life
Price: $29.99 (e-book)

Brain Food For A Youthful Mind
What can you do to protect and nurture your most vital organ, your brain? This health report will teach you about powerful supplements that will help boost your memory, and other steps you can take to keep your brain young and healthy.
Brain Food For A Youthful Mind
Price:$19.97 (e-book)

Build Your Dream Body the Easy Way
Reawaken the energy and vitality you had years ago. Burn more calories, increase your lung capacity and improve your cardiovascular health … in just 10 minutes a day. In this report, Dr. Sears exposes the exercise myths that prevent you from getting and staying in tip-top condition. This simple introduction to PACE is the beginning of your journey toward better health. Build Your Dream Body the Easy Way
Price: $14.97 (e-book)

Feast on the Fatty Foods You Really Love
Could a lack of fat actually be hurting your health? The reality is that our modern diets are deficient in healthy fats that are actually good for your health. In this health report, Dr. Sears will show you where doctors went wrong with all their low-fat advice and also tell you about the fats you should avoid like the plague.
Feast on the Fatty Foods You Really Love
Price: $19.99 (e-book)

Frankenstein Set Free On The Farm
Behind closed doors, white-coated mad scientists employed by Big-Agra tinker happily and dangerously with the DNA of everything from corn to baby food. These franken-food experiments are better known as genetically modified organisms or GMOs. Dr. Sears exposes how GMOs may be making you sick and gives you 8 simple steps to avoid this hidden danger in your food supply.
Frankenstein Set Free On The Farm
Price: $14.97 (e-book)

Great Sex For Life
Discover the importance of diet, supplementation, and how your overall health affects your sex life. This report will give you some new options and a fresh perspective on an issue you may have felt uncomfortable about before.
Great Sex For Life
Price: $19.99 (e-book)

High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps
Return to your native diet and make hitting your ideal weight a sure thing. Within minutes you’ll put these easy-to-understand principles to work and effectively burn fat – even if nothing has worked for you in the past. Dr. Sears busts the biggest fat-loss lies.
High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps
Price: $34.95 (e-book)

The P.A.C.E. Kitchen Makeover
Dr. Sears shares his advice on stocking your “primal pantry” with foods that will support your native health. Don’t discard centuries of nutritional wisdom by eating your way into illness. Get Dr. Sears top five whole-food favorites, tips to break your sugar addiction and sound guidance to eating in a way that can keep you healthy naturally.
The P.A.C.E. Kitchen Makeover
Price: $29.95 (e-book)

Manhood Banned! How to Sidestep the FDA and Reclaim Your Masculinity
Manhood Banned! How to Sidestep the FDA and Reclaim Your Masculinity.Don’t let the modern world turn you into a woman. Find out how the FDA swiped your best testosterone booster in 2004 and why this simple substance can boost your testosterone by up to 237%! PLUS you’ll discover what prescription drugs leave you “chemically castrated” and what to eat and drink to reclaim your manhood.
Manhood Banned! How to Sidestep the FDA and Reclaim Your Masculinity
Price: $19.97 (e-book)

P.A.C.E.The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution
Aerobics and Cardio Are DEAD!Throw away your jogging shoes, cancel your aerobics class, and say goodbye to hours of long, tiresome workouts. Then round up all your “diet” books and toss them in the garbage… P.A.C.E.: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution shatters all the myths and misconceptions about health, aging, and fitness.
P.A.C.E.: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution
Price: $19.95 (e-book)

Potency: How to Be More Than the Average Man
Potency is more than just sexual performance. It’s a combination of strength, desire, lean muscle and male confidence. Learn how to avoid everyday dangers than can sap your manhood and put the high-octane performance back in your engines!
Potency: How to Be More Than the Average Man
Price: $19.95 (e-book)

Real Results in Just Weeks
Are you looking for motivation on your own fitness journey? This story of one woman’s miraculous weight loss journey will let you see the possibilities that await with PACE. In just 11 months, Terri went from being able to walk only 45 seconds at a time to running up hills and doing full sets of calisthenics. Find out how Terri used the PACE principle of progressivity to transform her body and find renewed energy.
Real Results in Just Weeks
Price: $19.97 (e-book)

Repair, Refocus & Recharge Your Brain
Over and above anything else, people worry about the decline of their brain with age. You can sidestep all of those worries and keep the same level of mental energy and focus you’ve always had – and improve it. Dr. Sears will show you seven steps to recharge, repair and refocus your brain. Stop worrying about losing the mental power you’ve enjoyed your whole life.
Repair, Refocus & Recharge Your Brain
Price: $19.99 (e-book)

Repair Your Aging Brain in Just 15 Minutes a Day…
In this report, you’ll get dozens of strategies that can sharpen your thinking and prevent you from losing your memory and power of concentration as you age. Discover the number-one thing you can do right now to preserve and promote your mental clarity. Plus, you’ll also learn:
- How to beat the brain-destroying effects of cortisol (your stress hormone);
- About the tools you can use to reverse cognitive decline; and
- The best way to protect yourself from age-related memory loss.
Repair Your Aging Brain in Just 15 Minutes a Day…
Price: $19.97 (e-book)

Reset Your Biological Clock
Stay Active, Vital & Energized As You Age With new breakthrough technology, you can tinker with the aging process, so you can not only keep looking fresh and vibrant, you’ll stay active and keep moving like a 50-year-old right through the age of 100. Dr. Sears reveals an exciting breakthrough that can enable you to turn on your anti-aging genes and reduce the effects of 10 to 20 years of aging. You’ll find the keys to this rejuvenation in Dr. Sears’ Reset Your Biological Clock.
Reset Your Biological Clock
Price: $19.97 (e-book)

7 Steps to a More Youthful Life
In this report, Dr. Sears shows you advanced tools you can use to slow down the rate at which you age. You’ll even discover a brand-new technology that makes it possible to get younger as you get older. The more slowly you age, the more youthful you remain. This can save you from suffering from “old age,” disease and disability and help you look and feel years younger.
7 Steps to a More Youthful Life
Price: $29.00 (e-book)

The 13th Secret
Discover the “miracle molecule” that can tap your hidden reserve of super-strength and peak performance. This Nobel Prize-winning discovery will return you to peak form, restoring youthful energy and enhancing your physical performance.
The 13th Secret
Price: $19.95 (e-book)

The Giant Experiment with Your Food

Dr. Sears uncovers the lies and deception put out by the Food Industry and tells you how to protect yourself from the long-term health defects of the industries’ bigger, fatter, faster more profitable practices. Learn to eliminate the rogue foods that have invaded your daily eating habits and return to your native diet and your native health.
The Giant Experiment with Your Food
Price: $19.95 (e-book)

The Glycemic Guide
The Glycemic Index (GI) is one the best tools for fat loss. This handy guide will allow you to quickly foods reference the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of common foods. You may be surprised (pleasantly and not!) at the ratings of some of your favorites.
The Glycemic Guide
Price: $9.97 (e-book)

Your Best Health Under the Sun
Put One of the Most Dangerous Myths of Our Time to Rest
Put One of the Most Dangerous Myths of Our Time to Rest
Get everything you need to enjoy the sun safely, while using its power to prevent disease, burn fat and power up your sex life… Your Best Health Under the Sun gives you an easy-to-follow guide for taking full advantage of the sun’s disease-fighting power.
Your Best Health Under the Sun
Price: $24.95 (e-book)

How to Be Your Best Self – Smart, Sexy, Charismatic and Energetic
We’ve all known people who are amazingly charismatic, vibrant people. They have something going on inside them that makes them that way. they don’t have any great insight or a different gene structure. They simply secrete more oxytocin. Oxytocin used to be known as the bonding hormone. The hormone that made mothers grow attached to their babies. But everyone releases oxytocin. And when you release enough of it, almost everything you can do is better. I’ll show you how recent advancements give you the VERY REAL opportunity to get a boost of oxytocin that you can FEEL and SUSTAIN in your daily life.
How to Be Your Best Self
Price: $19.95 (e-book)

Reenergize Your Tired Heart
When your heart weakens, it’s painfully obvious. It may be one of the most noticeable changes associated with aging. Dr. Sears reveals a little known-enzyme that he uses with his patients that will help you rebuild your heart’s energy, vitality and pumping power so that you will be able to out-perform people half your age!
Reenergize Your Tired Heart
Price: $29.95 (e-book)

Telomere Secrets, Volume 1: Activate the Enzyme that Rebuilds Your Telomeres

In Volume 1, Dr. Sears will give you the exclusive list of nutrients to activate a revolutionary gene, the telomerase enzyme.
Telomere Secrets, Volume 1: Activate the Enzyme that Rebuilds Your Telomeres
Price: $19.99 (e-book)

Telomere Secrets, Volume 2: Upgrade to a Smarter, Faster Brain

In Volume 2, Dr. Sears will give you easy-to-follow strategies for preserving your telomeres and repairing your aging brain.
Telomere Secrets, Volume 2: Upgrade to a Smarter, Faster Brain
Price: $19.99 (e-book)

Telomere Secrets, Volume 3: Rejuvenate Your Aging Heart
In Volume 3, Dr. Sears will show you the telomere-boosting therapy you can use on your own. It’s safe, natural and works at a cellular level to restore all of the characteristics of a youthful heart.
Telomere Secrets, Volume 3: Rejuvenate Your Aging Heart
Price: $19.99 (e-book)

Telomere Secrets, Volume 4: Extinguish the Fire of Inflammation

What if I told you there were a “drug” that dramatically reduced the risk of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and inflammation? That it reduces the risk of all cancers by 77 percent? And that it lengthens your telomeres?
This may be the safest, easiest, most overlooked way to switch on the telomerase enzyme, and boost the length of your telomeres!
Telomere Secrets, Volume 4: Extinguish the Fire of Inflammation
Price: $19.99 (e-book)

Telomere Secrets, Volume 5: Erase Wrinkles and Turn Graying Hair Back to its Original Color
In Volume 5, you’ll discover the fascinating science behind telomeres and how they control the way you look….from your hair, skin and nails, down to the way you appear older and less attractive as you age.
Telomere Secrets, Volume 5: Erase Wrinkles and Turn Graying Hair Back to its Original Color
Price: $19.99 (e-book)
