FDA’s Failures in Alzheimer’s Treatment

If you or a loved one has received an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, you’re probably aware of the scandal surrounding Aduhelm.

It’s the first new Alzheimer’s drug approved by the FDA in almost two decades.

As usual, when Big Pharma and the FDA are involved, there’s a lot of money at stake…

And whether the drug works or not doesn’t seem to matter. In fact, there’s no proof Aduhelm has any impact on Alzheimer’s.

In 2019, the maker of Aduhelm halted two key clinical trials of the drug after an independent committee determined patients would NOT benefit – and that the drug could even cause harm.1

But that didn’t stop it from getting approved.

The FDA green-lighted Aduhelm after working with Big Pharma scientists to tease out favorable data from one of the trials.

I smell a rat – and so did three scientists who resigned from the independent committee.2 This unprecedented cooperation between biotech and the FDA should never be allowed.

The motives are apparent… The money-making potential for Aduhelm was a staggering $56,000 per patient per year.

Currently, around 6 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s.

If Biogen, the maker of Aduhelm, got their drug into just a third of these patients, they would earn a jaw-dropping $112 billion a year in the U.S. alone.

That would have made Aduhelm the biggest money-making drug in history.

But no doctors were prescribing the pill. So, Biogen slashed the price in half to $28,000.

Of course, that’s still an outrageous sum.

But it could help Biogen bring in even more money by giving them access to patients on Medicaid and Medicare. A decision is expected in April.3

This proves that the FDA and Biogen don’t have your best interests at heart. Profit is what matters most to them.

You see, Aduhelm targets the

amyloid plaques that develop in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. These plaques prevent neurons from communicating, resulting in memory loss, confusion, cell damage, and death.4

The problem is that amyloid plaques are a symptom of Alzheimer’s – but NOT the cause.

Like all other drugs developed to treat amyloid plaques, Aduhelm is doomed to fail.

Better than Big Pharma drugs

The truth is if you or a loved one is battling Alzheimer’s, you’re better off without Big Pharma’s drugs.

Fortunately, alternative Alzheimer’s treatments have proven to be far more effective than any Big Pharma drug.

At the Sears Institute, I treat my patients with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

But I also help my patients boost nitric oxide (NO) levels.

Researchers have known for years about the power of nitric oxide to prevent – and even reverse – the effects of Alzheimer’s

But you won’t hear about it from any mainstream doctor.

NO is released from the inner layer of cells that line your blood vessels. One of its primary roles is to relax your blood vessels. This allows more blood, oxygen, and vital nutrients to flow to your brain freely.5

Make fresh beetroot and vegetable juice easily at home

Eating beets is one of the best ways to boost your body’s NO levels. Chewing a beet mixes with saliva and bacteria on your tongue and turns into nitric oxide.

But if you prefer not to chew raw beets, here’s a simple juice recipe you can try:


  • 2 raw organic carrots
  • 3 organic celery sticks
  • 1/2 an organic cucumber
  • 1 organic beetroot


  1. Roughly chop all the vegetables into small pieces and put them in a blender.
  2. Add a cup of water and the juice of one fresh lemon, if desired.
  3. Blend until smooth, and enjoy.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. Belluck P, et al. “How an Unproven Alzheimer’s Drug Got Approved.” New York Times. July 19, 2021. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/health/alzheimers-drug-aduhelm-fda.html
2. Belluck P and Robbins R. “Three F.D.A. Advisers Resign Over Agency’s Approval of Alzheimer’s Drug.“ New York Times. June 10, 2021. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/10/health/aduhelm-fda-resign-alzheimers.html
3. O’donnell C. “Biogen urges Medicare to reverse proposed limits on coverage of Alzheimer’s drug.” Reuters. Feb 10, 2022. Available at: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/biogen-urges-medicare-reverse-proposed-limits-coverage-alzheimers-drug-2022-02-10/
4. Hayden MR, Tyagi SC. “A is for amylin and amyloid in type 2 diabetes mellitus.” JOP. 2001 Jul;2(4):124-39.
5. David Hirst and Tracy Robson, “Targeting nitric oxide for cancer therapy.” JPP 2007, 59: 3–13.