Finally Win the Fight Against Arthritis…

Dear Reader,

You’ll want to know this… My Wellness Research Center just found a powerful new ally in the fight against arthritis. I’ve been working on this problem for years and thanks to my research team, I’ve made a breakthrough.

Most folks don’t need hardcore painkillers, either. Like my patient “BG.”

BG loves working outdoors. Every season for 20 years, she tended her garden, turning the soil with spades and trowels, planting perennials and harvesting tomatoes. Then the pain started…

When BG first came to see me, her doctors had her convinced her gardening days were over. They told her: “Your arthritis is too far gone… And besides, joint pain is simply part of the aging process…”

She believed them. When she wasn’t on the drugs they gave her, the pain came right back. But I gave her something much safer and more effective: White willow bark.

White willow bark is the original aspirin. Bayer began manufacturing aspirin after creating a synthetic form in the 1800s. It comes from a tree native to Europe and Asia.

The medicinal use of willow bark dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who took advantage of its anti-inflammatory power. The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates had his patients chew on white willow bark to reduce fever and inflammation.

White willow bark contains salicin, the same curative compound found in aspirin. But there’s big difference: White willow bark won’t upset your stomach, because your body first has to extract it from the plant’s natural fibers, slowing its release into your system.

And it’s proven effective. A study in the American Journal of Medicine looked at salicin’s effectiveness for lower back pain. Researchers gave 120 mg, 240 mg, or a placebo to three different groups every day for a month.

In the fourth and final week of the study, 39% of the group on 240 mg of salicin were pain-free for at least 5 days, compared to 21% in the 120 mg group and only 6% in the placebo group.1

You can find white willow bark extract in health food stores or on line. I recommend 240 mg per day.

Or you can get it in my new Primal Flex formula. It has all of Nature’s most potent pain fighters, in the right combination, and in a form your body can use. Unlike expensive drugs, my formula goes straight to the root cause of joint pain with no side effects.

My patients and readers love it because it works. The new Primal Flex with white willow bark is almost ready, so keep an eye out… I’ll let you know before it gets released to the general public.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD


1 Chrubasik et al, “Treatment of low back pain exacerbations with willow bark extract: A randomized double-blind study,” American Journal of Medicine, 2000, 109: 9-14.