Foods to Fight Foreign Feminizers

Did you know that industry is putting hundreds of chemicals into your environment that mimic the female hormone estrogen?

These estrogen look-alikes are waging war on your masculinity. This gradually saps your strength, muscle, ambition, competitive spirit and sexual performance.

Today, I’ll tell you why environmental estrogens are a threat. You’ll also discover which foods can reverse this process.

Male Challenges in a Modern World

More than 15% of couples in the US are unable to have a child.  And in 30% to 40% of these cases, male infertility is the problem. But not just in America. British sperm counts and sperm density have dropped dramatically between 1938 and 1991.

Scientists in Britain suspected the estrogen-mimicking chemical HPTE, commonly found in pesticides. By experimenting on rats, they found that HPTE directly interferes with testosterone production in the testes.

Tufts University researchers found that crop dusters who handled estrogen-impersonating pesticides lost their sexual desire and developed very low sperm counts.  It’s no small wonder that male breast cancer has increased 26% over the last 2 decades.

German researchers found that estrogen levels in prostatic tissue increase, as men get older.  And the journal Prostate reported that estrogen increases your risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – or swollen prostate.

Japanese researcher discovered that prostate size directly correlates with the ratio of estradiol (a form of estrogen) to free testosterone. They reported, “patients with large prostates have more estrogen dominate environments” and “estrogens are the key hormones for the induction and development of BPH.”

Eat the Foods that Make You More Manly

By making some diet changes, you can help defeat these hormone imitators. Here are my top food choices for boosting testosterone and lowering estrogen:

• Oysters: These “original testosterone boosters,” are packed with protein, zinc and magnesium – all three play a key role in testosterone production.

• Lean Beef: One of your best choices for overall good health. When possible, eat grass-fed beef.

• Beans: These offer a great combination of protein and fiber with more zinc than any other veggie. Navy, lima, kidney, and green beans are good sources.

• Eggs: Eggs have all essential amino acids making them the best source of protein. And don’t believe the hype; cholesterol in eggs won’t hurt you.

• Broccoli: This is one of the best foods for eliminating estrogens in the urine.

• Cabbage: Also great for reducing estrogen and a good source of fiber.

• Brussels’s Sprouts: Also estrogen targeting fiber and nutrient rich veggies.

• Garlic: Enhances testosterone and blocks cortisol, your body’s stress hormone.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD