He Fought the FDA and Won

My friend and colleague Bill Faloon found himself staring down the barrel of a 45-caliber gun…

An army of 25 FDA agents and U.S. Marshals used a battering ram to smash down the doors of his Life Extension Foundation and storm the warehouses with guns drawn.

The agents seized every nutritional supplement on the property. Bill was arrested and threatened with 20 years in prison.

All because he wants to fend off aging for as long as humanly possible.

It took a long 11-year legal process by health freedom advocates before the charges were finally dismissed.

It was the first time in the 88-year history of the FDA that they were forced to give up on a criminal prosecution. After spending millions of your taxpayer dollars, the agency abandoned its crusade to destroy Bill’s Foundation and throw him in prison.

Bill’s persecution at the hands of the federal government is all too familiar with me. You see, I’ve fought my own battles with the FDA.

Bill Faloon — who fought the FDA for years — will be a featured speaker at my 2019 Confidential Cures Summit.

Today, Bill has expanded his research to include age reversal. He has a new project called the Age-Reversal Network. The goal is to help you grow biologically younger using a four-step protocol.

Bill will share his latest discoveries at my upcoming 2019 Confidential Cures Summit December 8th and 9th.

Step 2 of his age-reversal protocol is restoring your NAD+ levels. NAD+ is a coenzyme that restores and repairs DNA. But levels decline with age. By the time you’re 80, you have only 4% of the NAD+ you did at 20. And low NAD+ is linked to many of the chronic illnesses we associate with aging — like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and vision loss.

Raising levels reverses the signs of aging and lowers your risk of disease. In fact, increasing NAD+…

• Protects brain cells against oxidative stress

• Promotes healthy muscle aging

• Lowers heart disease risk

• Helps lengthen telomeres

• Lowers cancer risk

• Wakes up sleeping stem cells

While Bill will share his four-step protocol to reverse aging at my 2019 Confidential Cures Summit, you can start increasing NAD+ today with a special kind of vitamin B3 called nicotinamide riboside. It increases NAD+ almost 60%. Trace amounts can be found in cow’s milk and yeast. But no food provides high enough levels. That means you need a supplement. I recommend taking between 500 mg and 1,000 mg per day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS