High Estrogen in Men

Dear Member,

You might not have this message yet. Last Wednesday a new patient began by telling me that he “read all my stuff” and “loved it.” I thanked him for the compliment and asked why he came to my clinic.

“Dr. Sears… from the time I hit 30, I started packing on the pounds. I’ve tried every diet; I’ve been to half a dozen doctors and they tell me there’s nothing wrong with me. Then why am I so tired? Everyday if I don’t keep myself busy, when I get home from work I’ll fall asleep in the recliner.  Am I supposed to feel this old in my forties? I know I should exercise but I just can’t get the energy… and this is just not me… if I could just feel like I used to. What’s wrong with me?”

“I think I know”, I said. “Your pre-visit labs I ordered came back with your estrogen very elevated at 281. That’s more than double the upper limit of normal.”

His response? “Really…humph…I didn’t even know men had estrogen.”

This affects so many men. I am saying it as loud as I can, as often as I can to as big an audience as I can get. Yet most of the men who come to me don’t know what high estrogen is doing to them and the problem is serious.

Industry is dosing you with estrogen impersonating chemicals, food manufacturers are putting estrogens in your food and the FDA claims it’s safe. Ask your mainstream doctor about the problem and he’ll think you’re a nut. But high estrogen in a man’s bloodstream is no laughing matter.

Aside from making you look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, it zaps your energy, stimulates your prostate to enlarge and interferes with testosterone. It also affects your brain. You lose your ambition, your competitive edge and your confidence. Eventual all the features of masculine performance slowly abandon you. Very often men get used to it and don’t realize they have a treatable problem.

So what’s a man to do when he gets stuck with these awful symptoms that no doctor will diagnose? If you feel this is happening to you, you need to take action now.

I put this man on a drug called Arimidex. It blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. He needed this powerful intervention because his estrogen was so high and his testosterone was so low. He will begin to lose fat, regain his sexual health and feel better within a few weeks.

He was an extreme case. Most men can beat this problem without a prescription. For most, learning to avoid high estrogen sources, making some dietary changes and taking particular nutrients and supplements can completely normalize estrogen levels and reverse the symptoms.

I put all these strategies for getting rid of excess estrogen into 12 Secrets to Virility. Even if you don’t have a doctor who understands this problem, you can lower your estrogen, lose that belly fat and regain the strength and optimism you enjoyed years ago.

As with all my health information products, you can try it absolutely risk free.

Click here: https://alsearsmd.com/catalog/proddetail.php?prod=eb-001&c=30

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears MD