How Can You Prevent Low Testosterone?

If you sleep less than seven hours a night, a recent study suggests you could be putting your manhood at risk.1

Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark followed 953 healthy young men in their early 20s and late teens. At the start of the study, their testicles were measured and sperm counts determined.

For four weeks, the men answered questionnaires about their sleep habits.

The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found men with sleeping problems – like insomnia, staying up late, and unreliable sleep – had:

  • Almost 30% lower sperm count
  • A higher number of damaged and deformed sperm
  • Dramatically smaller testicles

This backs up earlier research that found young men who slept about five hours each night had “significantly lower levels of testosterone” than those who got a full night’s sleep.2

And a third study tracked the sleep of 981 men for one night. Sperm quality was measured before and after. The guys who got less than six hours of sleep had twice the number of “anti-sperm antibodies” in their swimmers.

In other words, their immune systems were seeking out and identifying their own sperm as an enemy invader – and destroying it.3

Fortunately, increasing the amount of sleep you get to seven or eight hours a night reverses these issues.

And a good way to increase the number of hours you sleep – and boost testosterone at the same time – is with cannabinoids.

According to a peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Andrology, using cannabis can contribute to increased testosterone levels.

The researchers followed more than 2,000 men. They found that those men who recently used cannabis products had a higher testosterone concentrations (4.27 ng/mL of testosterone) than those men who didn’t (3.6 ng/mL).4

Of course, you already know how beneficial CBD

is for sleep. And the Center for Applied Health Sciences proved it.

In a placebo-controlled study, they noted that adults who took CBD had a 22% improvement in sleep quality and a 21% improvement in sleep quantity.5

And researchers at the University of Colorado and Colorado State University found 67% of volunteers reported improved sleep after using CBD for one month.6

Enjoy “Moon Milk” Before Bed For Better Sleep
and Higher T Levels

I recommend drinking a cup of “Moon Milk” before bed. It can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.


  • 1 cup filtered water
  • ¼ cup tart cherry juice (tart cherries are naturally high in the sleep hormone melatonin)
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • ½ dropper valerian root extract
  • 2 servings high-quality CBD oil


  1. Heat the water and cherry juice over medium-low heat until it bubbles, about 10 minutes. Stir in almond milk and heat for another two minutes.
  2. Pour into a blender and add honey, valerian root extract, and CBD oil. Blend about 15 seconds on high until frothy.
  3. Pour into two mugs and enjoy before bed.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Jensen T, et al. “Association of sleep disturbances with reduced semen quality: a cross-sectional study among 953 healthy young Danish men.” Am J Epidemiol. 2013 May 15;177(10):1027-37.
2. Leproult R, and van Cauter E. “Effect of 1 week of sleep restriction on testosterone levels in young healthy menFREE.” JAMA. 2011 Jun 1; 305(21): 2173–2174.
3. Lui M, et al. “Sleep deprivation and late bedtime impair sperm health through increasing anti-sperm antibody production: a prospective study of 981 healthy men.” Med Sci Monit. 2017; 23: 1842-1848.
4. Thistle J, et al. “Marijuana use and serum testosterone concentrations among US males.” Andrology. 2017 Jul; 5(4): 732–738.
5. CV Sciences, Inc. (2019, June 17). “Effects of a CBD-containing supercritical fluid extract of hemp on markers of optimal wellness, stress resilience, and recovery in healthy subjects.” [Accessed 26 May, 2021.] 6. Shannon S, et al. “Cannabidiol in anxiety and sleep: A large case series.” Perm J. 2019;23:18-041.