How Can You Reverse Skin Aging By 25 Years?

In a recent letter, I told you about a breakthrough study from Israel which proved – for the first time ever in humans – it is possible to reverse aging at the cellular level by 25 years

Using nothing more than hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT.1

But research also shows that HBOT can rewind the biological clock that causes your skin to show the visible signs of age.

Of course, you’ll never hear that from your dermatologist!

A major reason your skin sags and develops wrinkles, lines, and dark spots is because exposure to our toxic modern environment is suffocating your skin cells. This causes the tiny capillaries that transport oxygen-carrying red blood cells in your skin to become thicker. This makes them less effective at delivering oxygen to your skin.

Without enough oxygen, your skin cells start to die – leading to a further decline in your skin’s oxygen supply. It’s a never-ending cycle.

But here’s what most skin care experts don’t realize:

Chronic Lack of Oxygen Prevents Stem Cell Production

Stem cells are the “replacement” cells you were born with. They’re your body’s master cells. You use them to replace any cell that’s damaged or dying.

When they’re deployed, stem cells heal and regenerate the tissue they’re assigned to — including the skin, your body’s biggest organ.

And the most effective way to stimulate the release of stem cells is with HBOT.2

A study out of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that after just one HBOT treatment, stem cell concentrations doubled – but after 20 treatments, they increased a staggering 800%.3

But as the Israeli researchers proved in their breakthrough anti-aging study, HBOT also increases telomere length.

You know that I consider telomeres to be the biggest medical breakthrough of our time. Telomeres are the little caps on the end of each strand of DNA that control how your cells age.

Long telomeres lead to better health. Shorter telomeres signal premature aging – including in your skin.

In fact, telomeres are one of the most important factors in determining how well your skin ages. But most skin-care experts don’t know that every time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. And this is what accelerates aging…

The secret to keeping skin young and vibrant is to slow down this clock… because when you maintain the length of your telomeres, your skin stays supple, radiant, and youthful.

Your cells have the ability to produce an enzyme that lengthens telomeres. This ability is locked in your DNA. Once you activate this ability, your DNA produces an enzyme called telomerase. The telomerase then rebuilds the length of your telomeres. This little-talked-about skin care breakthrough can take years off your appearance.

Rewind Your Skin’s Aging Clock 25 Years

Fortunately, you can increase oxygen and turn on telomerase in your skin cells – and throughout your body – using hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

I use hyperbaric oxygen therapy every day at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine to reverse aging and treat disease.

During an HBOT session, you recline comfortably in a pressurized chamber. As you relax, you breathe in 100% oxygen. A typical session lasts about an hour.

But before entering the chamber, I recommend a combination of platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) and microneedling. This 1-2 treatment dramatically increases the amount of stem cells that reach the skin.

If you want more information about age-reversing HBOT, contact my staff at 561-784-7852. They are happy to explain it all to you.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Hachmo Y, et al. “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prospective trial.” Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Nov 18;12(22):22445-22456.

2. Thom SR, et al. “Vasculogenic stem cell mobilization and wound recruitment in diabetic patients: Increased cell number and intracellular regulatory protein content associated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.” Wound Repair Regen. Mar-Apr 2011;19(2):149-61.

3. Thom SR, et al. “Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen.” AJP Hear Circ Physiol. 2005;290: H1378–H1386.