How Do You Spell Relief?

Many of my patients are surprised when I tell them there’s an easy way to stay “regular.” In fact, keeping your digestive system clear and relaxed is one of the best ways to feel vital and energized.
I’ve spent a lot of time researching the problem and I’ve come up with my own special formula that will help you stay regular naturally. You’ll quickly feel relief when it starts to:

• Soothe and support intestinal health
• Help eliminate waste safely and naturally
• Promote regularity
• Help you feel clean and fresh on the inside

This has become very important for my patients and for all of us because, throughout human history, our diet has been chock full of fiber. Only recently, with the advent of modern processed foods, has fiber been removed from what we eat.
And that’s a shame. You need fiber for optimal health. Fiber helps you move the contents of your intestines out of the digestive tract. It then goes into one of the most neglected organs in your body, but also the most delicate – your colon.
Did you know the wall of your colon is less than 2 millimeters thick? It needs to stay thin and flexible for your body to remove waste naturally.
But with all the grains and chemicals in our bodies … it can be a real challenge.
The good news is, you don’t have to worry about it any more.
I’ve created a simple way to keep you clean, clear and help you eliminate any and all waste completely naturally.
In the past, I’ve advised patients who want to improve their overall health to eat fibrous foods like fruits, nuts and vegetables, and to drink plenty of liquids.
But after studying the problem for even longer, I realized something stronger was in order. That’s why I’ve put together a set of herbs that specifically work together to help keep you regular:

• Cascara Sagrada – This herb stimulates the colon, which will help alleviate occasional constipation. In a word, it helps make you more “regular.”
• Aloe ferox latex – This stimulates the colon and improves the consistency of stool. Aloe not only stimulates the muscle of the colon to contract; it exerts a soothing effect on the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
• Rhubarb – This humble, everyday vegetable has the power to tone and tighten the muscles of the intestinal wall, and to support your gut’s function. Herbalists believe rhubarb, as an astringent, also neutralizes the effects of toxic build-up in your gut.
• Marshmallow root – This root acts as a natural adhesive. When it’s exposed to water, as it is when entering the intestinal tract, it soothes and coats the intestinal lining.
• Slippery Elm bark – Slippery Elm is a native tree of the Appalachian Mountains. The bark is loaded with fiber and contains muciledge – a sludge substance found in plants that helps soothe the intestinal lining.

These herbs gently work together on the folds and contours of your colon. My formula’s steady action helps loosen and dislodge any build-up.
It can also help you…

• Say goodbye to sluggish mornings and hello to feeling good again
• Pass waste without straining!
• Beat the bloat
• Release toxins from your body

Here’s how you use it. Take 1-2 capsules before bedtime with 8 oz. of water. And make sure you drink plenty of water every day. The herbs contain fiber which can constipate you if you don’t stay hydrated. They’re also very powerful and can stimulate your colon. So don’t use it for more than a week at a time. Moreover, chronic constipation can be the sign of a more serious condition. So if you’re experiencing this, please consult your medical practitioner.
You’ll feel regular quickly. But if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, you have my no-hassle, no-risk guarantee. Simply let me know, and I’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.
To start feeling clear and rejuvenated today, just click here.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.