How My Employee Made A Stunning Recovery, And How You Can Too

All the patients we treat at the Sears Institute are special. But today I want to tell you about one who is like family to me…

I’m talking about my clinic manager Brandi. If you’ve been to my clinic, you’ve probably met her. She’s a favorite with patients.

In all the time I’ve known her, she always had a smile on her face. But Brandi’s smile hid the unbearable pain she endured every moment.

Brandi had been in a horrific car accident that caused major damage to her back. Injuries to both her cervical and lumbar spine left her in constant pain. Every move she made was agonizing. It got to the point she couldn’t even put on her own underwear.

“I had to put them on the floor, put my feet in them, and creep them up because I couldn’t bend over,” Brandi told me. “It was this or get my husband to do it for me.” She wore a brace almost 24 hours a day and slept sitting up in a recliner – just to try and find some comfort.

A surgery to implant a rod, screws, discs, plates, and a cage to hold her spine together helped somewhat…until a second accident caused additional damage. Brandi was left worse off than ever.

Doctors said heavy-duty narcotic pain medications were her only option. And they told her that having another surgery would give her a 70% chance of winding up in a wheelchair.

At this point, Brandi had been with me for a little while, and I got to know her pretty well. I took a look at her medical history. And I knew I had to treat her myself.

I told Brandi we would be treating her with a healing protocol called HyperStem that’s unique to the Sears Institute for

Anti-Aging Medicine. I believe it’s the biggest medical breakthrough we have ever seen.

You see, HyperStem combines two of the most effective regenerative and anti-aging therapies that exist today — stem cells with enhanced platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

We injected stem cells and PRP into Brandi’s lumbar spine and the joints where a lot of her pain was. I told her to keep wearing her brace for another few months.

Four months after the injection, Brandi was feeling incredible. She was pretty much able to stop wearing her brace. She only wore it to clean her house and assist patients at the clinic.

Because she was still experiencing the occasional ache, I gave Brandi a second enhanced PRP injection into the area where we injected the stem cells to give them another boost.

Two weeks later, Brandi came to me, grinning. She described what she was feeling as a “massive improvement.” And she hasn’t experienced pain or worn her brace since.

“I’m good. Better than good,” she tells me. “I’m finally pain free. I can bend, turn, and twist. I can even lie down! I can sleep and get a good night’s rest for the first time in years.

“I can even wear high heels and go dancing! In fact, there’s nothing I CAN’T do.”

Use The Pain Relievers You Were Born With

You know stem cells are the reserve of “replacement cells” you’re born with.

Your body uses them to replace any kind of cell that is damaged, old, or dying. They allow your body to regenerate damaged tissue in any organ.

They can even regenerate and repair discs in your back that have been damaged by years of degeneration – reducing pain and inflammation without the need for invasive and dangerous spinal surgery.

Clinical trials prove that stem cell therapy works.

In a recent groundbreaking study, researchers at the Canadian Centers for Regenerative Therapy extracted bone marrow stem cells from 18 patients. The concentrated cells, called bone marrow aspirate concentrate, or BMAC, were then reintroduced into each patient’s spine.1

The results, published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine, were life-changing. Patient follow-up found that:

➤ 80% were able to quit using addictive opioids
➤ 90% of the patients gained 2 to 3 mm of lost height due to disc compression
➤ 92% of them reported a “significant improvement” in pain measurement scores

Earlier research found similar results.

In one study published in the journal Transplantation, researchers treated 10 patients who failed to respond to traditional back pain treatment with therapy using bone marrow stem cells.

After six months, patients reported lumbar pain was reduced by a whopping 62% – while their mobility increased by 48%.2

And a third study showed that stem cells could even regrow discs in your back that have been damaged by years of degeneration — reducing pain and inflammation without the need for invasive and dangerous spinal surgery.

In the clinical trial, 15 patients with degenerative disc disease were treated with stem cells harvested from their own bodies.3 Following the treatment, all 15 patients reported “significant” pain relief.

As a regular reader, you’ve heard me say that stem cells are the future of medicine. Stem cells use what your own body provides to initiate your natural healing and repair system.

I’ve had great success treating patients with stem cell therapy.

Get Your Life Back With HyperStem

I’ve even had patients say stem cell therapy has “given them back their life.”

Just like Brandi…

If you’re ready to put your pain behind you and live life the way you want to, call my clinic today to schedule your own life-changing stem cell plus HBOT procedure.

The number is 561-784-7852.

You may even get Brandi herself on the phone!

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. El-Kadiry AE, et al. “Autologous BMAC therapy improves spinal degenerative joint disease in lower back pain patients.” Front Med. 2021 Mar 18;8:622573.
2. Orozco L, et al. “Intervertebral disc repair by autologous mesenchymal bone marrow cells: a pilot study.” Transplantation. 2011;92(7):822–828.
3. Comella K, et al. “Effects of the intradiscal implantation of stromal vascular fraction plus platelet rich plasma in patients with degenerative disc disease.” J Transl Med. 2017; 15: 12.