Improve Your Memory A Whopping 27%

Traditional doctors think the best way to treat memory loss is with Big Pharma’s latest “breakthrough” drug. And when it’s proven not to work – not to mention dangerous – they simply pull another one out of their pocket…

That’s why I’m so concerned about the media buzz surrounding Lecanemab, one of the latest FDA-approved Alzheimer’s drug.

Because I want to be clear: It is NOT a wonder drug.

Lecanemab is a pharmaceutical product that, in clinical trials, resulted in a slight decline in cases of early Alzheimer’s when compared to a placebo. But…it was also associated with a long list of extremely worrying “adverse events,” including death.1

During Phase 3 trials, three people who took Lecanemab died after experiencing brain bleeding.2

The research also showed that around 3% of trial participants who took the drug suffered a side effect called ARIA-E, which involves swelling in the brain. None of the participants who took a placebo got ARIA-E.

Yet the FDA ignored the deaths and dangers and still fast-tracked the drug, which provides almost no benefit and costs around $26,500 per year per patient – an outrageous sum.

As I suspected, a little research reveals an extremely lucrative business deal behind Lecanemab – and the FDA is in on it.

Eisai, the Japanese pharma giant, led the development and testing of the drug. And, under the business agreement, American Big Pharma giant Biogen will handle the drug’s day-to-day management and marketing.

The two companies will split the profits equally. And they expect to make a killer profit…

By 2031, annual sales of the drug are projected to easily pass the $2 billion mark.3

Keep in mind that the FDA is no longer the fully taxpayer-funded entity it once was.

For years, the FDA has been funded by user fees from the

same drugmakers – like Eisai and Biogen – it’s supposed to police.

The FDA has already been accused of a cozy relationship with Big Pharma when it comes to Aduhelm, Biogen’s Alzheimer’s drug that was fast-tracked for approval in 2021. This drug also carries a high risk of dangerous side effects with absolutely no clinical benefits for patients.

Biogen was ultimately forced to ditch Aduhelm after being severely criticized in a congressional investigation.

The congressional investigation report noted the FDA worked “too closely with Biogen” to get the drug approved despite “significant concerns over the limited benefits and side effects.”

Ultimately, the report concluded that the FDA process for drug approval was “rife with irregularities” and that the agency’s actions “raise serious concerns about FDA’s lapses in protocol.”

Now, the FDA is repeating this scandal with Lecanemab, despite the risk of side effects and even death.

It’s further proof that the FDA and Big Pharma don’t have your best interests at heart. Profit is what matters most.

In fact, Biogen admitted that they planned to spend several billion dollars – more than two and a half times what they spent developing the drug – on an aggressive marketing plan to counter expected “pushback” over whether Aduhelm was worth its price.

The truth is, if you or a loved one is battling Alzheimer’s, you’re better off without Big Pharma’s drugs.

Fortunately, alternative Alzheimer’s treatments have proven to be far more effective than any Big Pharma drug. Like the oxygen therapy I use with patients at my clinic. Breakthrough evidence backs up what I’ve been telling my patients for years…

You can prevent, slow down – and even reverse – Alzheimer’s development using hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT.4

In a breakthrough study, a team of researchers at Tel Aviv University proved that HBOT therapy healed the brains of Alzheimer’s patients suffering from severe memory loss. High-resolution scans revealed that HBOT:

  • Significantly increased blood flow to the hippocampus, where memories are processed and retrieved, up to 23%
  • Raised overall cognitive scores from 102 to 109
  • Raised memory scores a dramatic 27% – from 86 all the way up to 100

Poor blood flow to the brain has long been seen as an early warning sign of Alzheimer’s — but there is now strong scientific evidence that it’s a root cause.

You see, poor blood flow restricts the delivery of life-giving oxygen and vital nutrients to your brain.

HBOT treatment boosts oxygen levels in your brain in two ways.

  1. It allows your lungs to take in more oxygen than would be possible if you were breathing oxygen at normal air pressure. The higher pressure physically dissolves more oxygen into your red blood cells, boosting oxygen levels.
  2. HBOT also increases the synthesis of nitric oxide. This simple natural gas is one of your body’s most important signaling chemicals. Its primary function is to send “blood flow signals” that tell your blood vessels to relax. This allows more oxygen-rich blood to reach your brain. When blood vessels in your brain are inflamed and squeezed, restricting oxygen supply, HBOT opens them up.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Christopher H, et al. “Lecanemab in Early Alzheimer’s Disease.” N Engl J Med 2023; 388:9-21. January 5, 2023
2. Reish NJ, et al. Multiple Cerebral Hemorrhages in a Patient Receiving Lecanemab and Treated with t-PA for Stroke. N Engl J Med 2023. January 4, 2023
3. Armstrong A. “Biogen shoves Aduhelm to the side. It’s time for Lecanemab.” Fierce Biotech. May 4, 2022
4. Shapira R, et al. “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy alleviates vascular dysfunction and amyloid burden in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model and in elderly patients.” Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Sep 9;13(17):20935-20961.