Join Me to Restore Missing Memories

Today, I want to tell you about my patient. His name is Joel — and when he came to my clinic three months ago, he had one of the worst cases of Alzheimer’s I’ve ever seen…

He’d been diagnosed with the disease 10 years earlier.

A decade of taking more than 20 Big Pharma drugs did nothing to stop his symptoms. That’s because traditional doctors still don’t understand what causes this devastating disease.

Joel was deteriorating rapidly before his family’s eyes. Along with losing his memory, he could no longer talk, make eye contact — or even walk.

And he suffered from seizures that were so bad you could hear him thrashing from across the room. Seeing him this way was agony for his family.

It’s been three months since I first saw Joel. I’m not going to tell you that he’s cured of his Alzheimer’s…

But today — thanks to the incredible Alzheimer’s-reversing protocol my staff and I put him on — he continues to make remarkable strides forward.

The protocol I put Joel on is just one of the regenerative brain-saving therapies you’ll hear about at my 2019 Confidential Cures Summit.

This interactive, age-reversing conference will be held at the Eau Resort and Spa in Palm Beach, Florida. This five-star resort will host many of the world’s leading authorities in the field of alternative brain-saving therapies.

Like Dr. Paul Harch… With 30-plus years of hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT) experience, he is responsible for the largest documented improvements in brain injury and cognitive repair.

And Dr. Michael Smith whose Alzheimer’s protocol added four more happy years to his own father’s life.

Of course, I’ll be sharing the latest cutting-edge brain therapies we’re developing at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. Therapies that are helping patients like Joel.

Joel was one

of my first patients to undergo a breakthrough treatment I call Ultra Stem. As a regular reader, you’ve heard me talk about HyperStem. HyperStem (the combination of HBOT and stem cells) rushes 800% more stem cell concentrations to the brain.

In Joel’s case, we took HBOT to the next level. We combined it with even more breakthrough therapies — like halo therapy and IV laser — that have proven results in bringing back LOST memories.

Today, Joel is making remarkable strides. He’s…

• Communicating more with his wife and family

• Able to recognize his surroundings

• Walking and making eye contact

All thanks to regenerative treatments traditional doctors don’t use.

I hope you join us for this once-in-a-lifetime event that will help you add vibrant, healthy years to your life. Please click here for more information on this exclusive age-reversing event.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS